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Super heros 1960

Zincks (Admin)
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Super heros 1960 Empty Super heros 1960

Thu Sep 01, 2022 10:14 pm
The Finding

One evening when Sorcha returned home with her siblings, the rooster-legged house was sitting near Grandpa's property. When she entered the others hurried off as they were told to go get ready for dinner. However, the routine was broken as he called Sorcha into the back room. "Ah my darling little Sorcha. After dinner, go pack your bags. In the morning you start your own fairy tale. An old strange friend requires help from you. He is calling on a deal we made ages ago when I was young." Indicating she should sit he poured out two shots from his special vodka bottle. Gnarled fingers close on one full shot he smiled as his wrinkles creased his wise face. " Salut! New adventures and travels my dear." The smell of the vodka burned her nose as notes of raspberries and a rich cream tickled her nose. He brought it up, clicked it against her shot glass, and downed it. "You will have time to say goodbye to your siblings and Baba Yaga. And you always have a home here. If anything happens you can always return here."

In the morning grandpa left with her as a glassy-skinned figure was standing there in a dark butler's suit, in stark contrast to the white snow about. On getting closer the skin appeared more of a heavily lacquered black wood that moved organically as he inclined his head. "Greetings. You must be Sorcha. It is a pleasure to meet you." Offering one hand he inclined his hand respectfully. “We require your skills, mistress. I pray your grandfather outlined our deal. If not, I can explain it over some Medovukha.” Producing a device he smiled as the mother of pearl teeth shimmered like iridescent snow in his mouth. “After we find your other companions who have gotten themselves into some trouble.”

His skin was warm like a summer's day on a river stone as the skin practically did not feel like it was there despite the pressure as he closed his hand on hers. Reaching into a pocket he looked at the pocket watch and clicked the top as the world faded like running paint before the world painted itself back into place; they were outside an old abandoned circus tent that still somehow held itself up. “Please hold here I will be right out with the troublemakers.” He said that there was an explosion as he looked at his pocket watch. And he started towards the tent as he drew a chrome smooth pistol of some kind.

Inside the trio were fighting the mechanical bio horror that took its residence in this place and zeroing in on the young psionic. Just as a massive claw was reaching for her the hand turned red and exploded back away from her as molten metal. He simply scooped up the thread wielder and said softly, “Sorry about this Parizaad but please bear through this.” As he finished the words, his gun hand triggered the device in his petticoat as a psionic blast knocked out all users of the ability, causing the metal creatures of the deranged other Psionic users to collapse as he turned to the large wolf and the French Indochina experiment. “If you will follow me out I have an offer. Young Paizaad will be fine. She is just sleeping.”

Petyr could smell he was not human nor spirit but something just felt as if he was talking to a creature made of spirit remains as it moved along to lead them outside. When looking through his revealing eye the Man was no human. Rippling liquid and teeth marred the strange flesh with many eyes that twisted about till they were safe. Once outside of the danger the skin smoothed over like a lake on a windless day as it took on something between human and a gaian. Taking time to speak in Gian to Petyr he says in a soft-spoken tone, “Petyr Dirius, I have an offer of a chance of having allies to help with getting you home from this alien world. We just request while we work on it that you fulfill requests in the meantime with a team. It will be to our best ability to help you return home.” When he spoke to Mutt it was not in words as he slightly cupped the experiment's jaw and placed a metallic chip on the creature’s jawline that communicated in a language that was both known and not known to him. “ABB-1322. Creature lost, strange, and irreversibly damaged by cruel humans. If you wish to learn more about your origin then please come work with us. We will give you a home and place to belong. We only request that you fulfill what we ask of you.”

A year later
The Butler as the one who came to collect them has been quite kind and understanding as he fulfilled their requests in reason. And for those that spoke in other languages he seemed to seamlessly switch into the various languages as he taught them English and ran them through basic training that a human can keep up with. However, one day he got a call and seemed terse with who was on the other line before he collected their group and the other supergroup that was also stationed on the base. He did his best to keep the excitable Supers contained for the year but reasonably there were complications as boredom set in. it got to a point between the two groups they were sending in a Government agent to directly interact and control them. Standing in the room where they all could comfortably sit or stand the Butler cleared his throat.

“Sorry to call you all on short notice but we have a new handler taking over as it seems like the government wishes to use you for missions. I request that you all give him the respect he deserves to make this transition as smooth as possible. I am being told to keep the base in working order and assist your needs while you are here.” As he finished up the doors in the back opened as a middle age thin sallow face man pushed the door open and pushed his glasses up on his nose as he looked about. The body language was uneasy as he had the smallest amount of an acidic scent of stress that just permeated his body as he walked forward.
Setting down the files he had with all their names on it he cleared his throat as he took on a wavery loud voice as he put forward an attempt to take control of the situation against a non-existent enemy. “I am Agent Wilhelm. I am taking over this operation and setting you all to work now let's start with making your teams.” There was an outburst of grumbling from the other team as they thought it was a set deal of the teams the Butler broke them down into. But the man continued as if nothing was wrong as he tried to set up new teams as he messed with the files.
“Sigrid, Leon, ABB-1322, and Clement you are to learn how to work together.” As he was shuffling through the files Leon was fast to drop his complaints to hook his arm around Sigrid’s waist and pulled her close as he leaned in to whisper sweet nothings into her ear. Keeping her and Mutt he wrapped his arms about her to keep her from escaping his hold so he would have a shield against his mortal enemy.

“Petyr, Faith, Sorcha, and Jessie you are to be working together.” Faith started shaking her head as the other group looked to be almost all power while the man was trying to shove all the support together with light fighters. Jessie the massive amazon built scaled woman was fast to save Sigrid from the hands of Leon who was trying to get fresh with one of the younger and smallest members of supers at this base. Grabbing him by his mane of brown hair she pulled him away and indicated Sigrid to flee to the taller members of her preferred team. With a wink at Petyr she blew him a kiss with her free clawed hand. “Sorry, my fuzzy lamb-chop but I think we are better in different groups. But catch me later when you are back.” Clement was spacing out as he was calculating how to deal with a new group but this was a problem without Faith and her chemistry and inventions as he saw that the team he was with had two unknowns who wouldn't be able to deal with the gas as he looked on the damaged german girl and the animal thing he had issues with him being reactive to the explosions in training.
As the office man started to try to affirm his stance and rank the other team left either on their own mobility or was dragged out. Besides Faith who was watching the man sputter like a misaligned timing strap. Her dead expression as she forgot to invoke life into her expression was short as she started to get up after some time. Slowly the life-challenged woman got up as she rubbed her knees into motion. “ Sir no offense but you will want to consider our past relations.” The unfortunate vampiric chemist lightly rubbed her sharpened teeth as she looked at the others. Giving an awkward head tilt of respect to the others she started to leave before the few flickers of life came into her face as she squished Mutt’s face as she started to pass him with a childlike fondness for the misshapen animal and whispered for him to come to her lab again as she had treats for him.
The man stood awkwardly as he gripped his clipboard and looked at those that still remained as he didn't really want to argue with the other supers. And he just seemed to wilt without ever moving.” I well...then I guess your group will be doing relations.” With light nervous coughing, the clipboard tilted away from his chest so he could look down at it. “ Our sibling country, Canada and The Northern American Union.” Without looking up from the board he clicked his teeth before dispassionately continuing on, “So bundle up, put on smiles, and make us proud and look good.” Clapping the clipboard to his chest he forced a sallow smile in a mockery of excitement. “Ms. Faith and The Butler have made a direct connection to Toronto so pack up whatever you need and get ready for chilly weather. Once you are ready please meet back here. I need to talk to the others about their assignment." There was a reluctant lurching step as he went to chase down the others who already scattered their various ways.

Outside The Butler was looking through paperwork and shaking his head slightly as the few moments of displeasure were clear before his face went passive as he noticed them. Inclining his head, he put on the passive smile yet again. “Sorry about Agent Wilhelm. It appeared he did not take my suggestions into mind. But I will remain on base for when you come home to roost. Let me know if you require anything.”
Posts : 22
Join date : 2021-10-09

Super heros 1960 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Mon Sep 05, 2022 12:23 pm
Petyr listened carefully to Agent Wilhelm as he talked, taking notes with all the off-putting intensity of a wolf preparing for a hunt. He had suppressed an automatic suspicion for Agent Wilhelm, it wasn't his fault he shared the human equivalent of his father's name, but the man still seemed unpleasant. He also had absolutely no control over the room, and failed at even the basics of public speaking. Petyr could only assume that this man had some kind of skill set that made him appropriate for this role, or that he had some kind of hidden agenda. Or perhaps he was simply being punished for mouthing off. Either way, the man's complete lack of control of the room predictably dissolved into chaos.
Leon had been something of an annoyance for Petyr, as he was, as far as Petyr was concerned, one of the biggest man-whores on base, and often bothered his friends until they made their distaste painfully clear, and even then it sometimes took a couple of lessons before he backed off. However, Petyr wasn't particularly worried about Sigrid when Leon started 'putting the moves on her', as the humans say; Sigrid was more than capable of handling herself against sleazy advances. After hearing how the teams were apportioned, Petyr snorted and, predictably, everything fell apart. He leaned back against the wall and watched, amused, as a swearing, shouting Leon was hauled off by Jesse.
He pantomimed catching the kiss and tucking it in a pocket, before giving Jesse an approximation of a human grin and a nod. She was easily the most attractive person to him on base, and they had hit it off relatively easily. Petyr was even teaching her a bit of Gaian here and there, even if his Reptile Common was a little rusty, since it was nice to have someone besides Mruff to converse with in his native tongue. Her expressions and body language were still very human, which was odd to Petyr, but he was getting used to it.
Faith's words rang true, and while Petyr wasn't opposed to working with the vampire mostly, she still made him uneasy. Also, pairing her with Sorcha brought back memories of the Garden Incident. He was still trying to get more funding for his magic fundamentals training, but so far Command had been adamant that he wasn't allowed to bring anyone else into his 'dangerous rituals'.

So it was that Petyr sat around with the remaining supers, and he was going to attempt to find some excuse to not go along, until he heard the names of the places they would be going, and the conditions they should prepare for. "Canada?" Petyr tasted the word in his mouth as he thought about it. It sounded eerily similar to his birthplace, Kanata, though of course mangled by humanity's hideously flat faces. A cold place, named Canada... Petyr's interest flared up, and he snapped his journal shut.
"Well, if it's cold weather, I guess I should get prepared." Petyr stood up to his full height, and walked over to the door (pausing only to give Mruff a friendly pat), squeezed through it, then nodded to the Butler as he walked past, "Don't worry about it," Petyr said breezily, as he tucked his notebook into his coat pocket, "things will sort themselves out." The reinforced, modified lab coat had been a splendid gift from Sigrid, and he wore it basically everywhere, along with his kilt and buttoned shirt he wore for decency's sake. In the interests of giving the appearance of being a part of the team, he had put the emblem of the group on the front pocket of the coat and the shirt, as well as on the front of the kilt. It was a little sloppy, but human clothing was very intolerant of thick fur at best, and he'd rather be comfortable than neat.

Petyr was about to head down to his study to get some basics together, when a thought occurred to him, and he turned to the Butler, "So, what did he mean by a direct connection to Toronto? We're not flying, are we?" Petyr's tone was joking, but human aircraft always seemed like they were a half-step from disaster at the best of times, and few of them were built for his weight, so if they were, he was going to take as many defensive steps as he could.
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Super heros 1960 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Mon Sep 05, 2022 2:41 pm
Mruff was alert with the Butler speaking as his ears were forward and head was up. Alert and watching the Butler he relaxed his body to lounging as he listened politely. He gave the new man about as much attention as he would normally show. With his head on his paws, he blinked slowly as the man rambled insecurely as he shifted his hindquarters about uneasily as if he could not get comfortable with the man's own insecurities. Something about how ill-prepared the man sounded unsettled him as he was supposed to be the new leader. Snorting as he brought his head back he listened as the man used the weird name he come to know some here would refer to him as. But Petyr was not on the list given as he looked at Sigrid and was immediately on his paws growling at Leon for placing hands on her. Leon, his least favorite person in this room was using his pod mate as a shield against him as he lowered his lips back over his teeth and settled back down as it became clear the other human was using his pod mate as a shield. Rumbling with extreme unhappiness he settled back down and flattened his ears. Placing his head on Petyr's leg he let it linger there till movement behind him got his attention as the tall lizard woman strode forward. Shuffling about he watched as the woman took his mortal enemy away from Sigrid. As soon as the way was clear hr nosed and lightly bumped her prosthetic hand as he checked on her to make sure she was ok, and curved around her to protect her from any more attempts from Leon to use her as a defense against him.

Keeping quiet to the new man he didn't want to talk to the man unless others gave him the go-ahead as he did get some people who did not like him talking to them. But he was remaining well-mannered as he kept close to his companions. When Faith started to coddle him his body loosened as he wagged his tail side to side as he rumbled happily with her promises and face squishing as he snorted and huffed happily with the attention. He almost started after her before circling back to sit next to Petyr as his tail thumped slowly side to side as he was trying hard to show he was listening as there was still more for his group. But there were words he did not understand when names of places were said. confusion struck as confused noises to bundled up started as he didn't know how to bundle himself up but he knew to smile. He forced a doggish smile and started panting as he pulled the corners of his mouth up. Feeling the pat on his head he looked up at Petyr and thumped his tail faster as he continued his anxious now frozen smile. But he had nothing to pack as he remained sitting with his awkward doggy smile, staring unblinkingly at Agent Wilhelm
Zincks (Admin)
Zincks (Admin)
Posts : 28
Join date : 2019-04-14
Age : 34

Super heros 1960 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Mon Sep 05, 2022 5:58 pm
Sigrid couldn't help but frown when the news of someone new is taking over. And with that, she crossed her arms over her chest and looked towards Sorcha and Faith as she had a strong feeling the three of them may have been a larger cause of why they are getting someone new. As she watched him her expression softened as it became clear this was some poor sod who got put in place to deal with them. It was clear he wasn't military, if anything he reminded her of the paper pushers she was sometimes left to help when back in her homeland. Lightly covering her mouth this man was set up for failure as he stammered and fumbled through his introductions. Sighing as the man tried to make new teams she closed her eyes as there were some complaints as she looked up at Petyr and then down to Sorcha. Worry was starting to nag at her as she didn't want to be separated from those she has grown close to. Not that she wasn't close to the others just because they were more distant friends than close friends.

However, this fatigue start of wondering was cut off as hands went around her waist and she was pulled close to someone of her own age. Flushing lightly as his hands got more than just a little friendly, the cloth hardened to keep her from feeling him continue touching her as she snapped her attention to him. Narrowing her eyes she recalled the most recent event with Mutt being distressed she used her hand to indicate Mutt to back off. On hearing Mutt settling back down she forced a smile as she pushed on his chest to lean away. "You are quite the Lustmolch Arschgeige." She said as she used her other hand to start pushing on his wrist to loosen his hold on her as she caught a moment of someone much larger coming up.

As soon as his hands retracted she stepped away from any grasping hands of Leon and stepped right into Mruff's curved body as he worked at protecting her. Rubbing him behind the ears she gave him attention as she looked towards Faith and nodded in agreement with the Vampire's assessment. Lingering to try to make it easier for the Agent she tilted her head as he talked about sister countries. "hmm.." She never thought of them like that but they were all connected by their original parent country.

But when he tried the pep talk she met his face and saw the dead expression before losing all confidence this man might be good for them in the larger picture. Maybe good for all the paperwork he will need to deal with them. Hearing there was a portal she gave a concerned look before releasing Mruff's ears and heading out to get ready. Following Petyr out she did not pause to talk with the butler to get the appropriate clothing and her cold travel gear and any small books. Mostly since she cant keep using Petyr or Mruff as a warm person to cling to in the cold.

(ill see you at the portal)
Posts : 27
Join date : 2021-10-22

Super heros 1960 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Tue Sep 06, 2022 7:18 pm
Like the others, Sorcha had gathered when summoned. She sat among the others as newcomer began addressing them. He reminded her of the unfortunate person that was elect to speak with Grandfather when the human village on the outskirts of his forest needed something. Still one should always act respectfully when speaking with others. But the man didn't inspire confidence but she still listened and watched him carefully. When he began talking about switching up the teams she didn't bat an eye, she was to excited at the idea of finally getting to see then just the base and surrounding areas.
In her time being here she had begun to think her tale was never going to begin. But finally she was going to have a tale to share with her Grandfather and siblings one day.
As Leon pulled Sigrid in she shock her head. If he wasn't another member of the larger team she would send the boy to Baba. Sorcha knew her Baba would set him right quick, or they might not see him again. Baba wasn't found of toads that tried to pass themselves off as prince's. Still she might ask Sigrid if she wanted her to make him go away if he kept up.
When they were dismissed she got up and made her way out swiftly, but not before petting Mutts head softly. Sorcha had taken to wearing the men's basic uniform and a simple scarf over her hear and had made sure her pack had been properly packed. She missed her traditional dress and headwear but they were not as practical, but she had kept her red boots and enchanted coat. Still she thought she might pack the dress still.
"It is fine, sure he will learn how we do thing.", Sorcha said as she bobbed her head in greeting.
"If you could, keep eye on Grump. He will tend to my garden well I away.", she asked before excusing herself to gather her bag then heading out to her fledgling garden to restock up on her goblin fruit.
Posts : 25
Join date : 2019-04-16

Super heros 1960 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Tue Sep 13, 2022 2:11 pm
The Butler kept his same pleasant smile before the hint of mirth glimmered in his eyes. In Gaian, he said fluently as he could with just his voice. "Oh as funny as it would be with someone of your stature. No. Ms. Faith and I engineered a means so you can be in Canada with only the passage of a few seconds. We have gateways that can temporarily fold space between here and other gates. For a short time. There are some technical issues with the power if we were to leave it on but short activations are within safe parameters. So we set times to activate the portal. Noon time for here. Around seven in the evening for Vancouver. "

Agent Wilhelm swiftly passed the still beast that unnerved him as it was baring its teeth at him but was behaving as far as he could tell. But he did not like the dark vacuous eyes that fixated on him. "Right go pack...or just stay here.” Words that were unsaid were pungent in the room as he reframed from uttering hsi discomfort for the monster. But he turned his shoulder to the Beast named Mutt and walked out keeping his side to the beast as he dared not put his back to it.

(Im assuming there isnt any thing all to exciting so im jumping you to heading to canada)

Once everyone returned Agent Wilhelm made his way back and indicated them to follow him. His eyes lingered on their appearance as their clothing matched up somewhat but at the same time its not what he was hoping for. “If you all will follow me we will show you our Global Deployment System. For those who are of abnormal size, you should be comfortable when you exit as it is built with larger Supers in mind.” There was no enthusiasm in his voice as he cleared his throat. “I have been assured it is a stable mode of transport. And as long as we have power here we should beable to deploy where we have a platform set up.”

He lead them to a large facility room as there were various computer terminals set up to either side of the room as the temperature in the room was a noticeable warmer then the corridor outside. Wires and piping lead to the center platform in the center of the room asthe top was raised and had railings off to the sides that glowed dimly with a red light against stainless steel. The smell of chemicals and sterilization was overwhelming so each different person had their distinct smell stand out from any other smells as if shifted to remain separate from the environment. Light buzzing humm of machines rolled about the room in a sleepy background noise. Behind the platform there were massive tanks that had piping running to under the platform it’s self. The surface of the platform shimmered with an irradensent coating on the glassy cover. Below the platform as people got on the liquid below them rippled and spun lazily as the yellow-orange glowing liquid and turbin turned below them. As Petyr stepped on the glass he felt it was solid below his feet as it did not budge nor creek with his and Mutt’s massive weight as the strange glass could support their weight with the others. The liquid brightened as they moved onto the platform as it reacted to their life force as they stood on it and remained a steady glow.

“Aye, You awake Cowboy? We got news Aussie division finally coming through. They got their side up and running and will be here around 7 o’clock. So do what you need before they get here. I am going to get the feisty girl and make sure her ass is there and she hasn’t jumped the gun again. She seems conserned about the missing kids.” Frank brushed his hair back as he looked exasperated as it was clear he was considering the new recruit they picked up. At first the news of a scantely clad woman showing up caused ripples but it was swiftly a lost delight among the men on base as she had one hell of a personalty that made it their problems. “Well good luck with the new guys if I don’t see you. I hear they are far out and a bit of a riot.” Making a pease sign in leaving the Canadian peaced out to locate their heroine.

As the time grew close it was clear the newcomers had a bit of a curious crowd as some of the staff on base lingered closer till being told off and back to work since they will have a chance to see the newcomers. Here the platform looked as if it was a stage with wires running under it, providing a large amount of electricity. Its dim blue started up on getting ready to receive the transfers. The blue light of the platform brightened as seven o’clock happened and there was a warping of the space above the platform. The area darkened massively against the bright light as the air seem to twist till there were just five figures standing there. One was a massive 12-foot-tall wolf, and the other most noticeable was the quadruped as it stood about the size of an average woman at its shoulder. The pair dwarfed the pair of women and the agent that stood beside them by strangeness alone.

Frank wasn't back with the new girl, probably still out looking for her. But Agent Wilhelm and his sallow sunken in face stepped forward as he nodded to Argo. Stepping past he turned about to introduce the lot of them. “This is Argo and …” He faltered as he looked for the other before raising an eyebrow as the other he was expecting was not there. “And well… Argo this is Peter.” He gestured to Petyr despite the oddity to saying the wolf gaian’s name, “ABB-1322 or Mutt.” He gestured towards the mutant creature. “Sigrid and Sorcha.” He finished by holding his hand to introduce them before it dropped like a rock to his side as he pulled the clipboard from his chest. The soft muttering of about unreliable women was breathed out as he cast his eyes about for the last member. Clearing his throat he collected himself before continuing. “You are all here because there has been a rash of missing children and teens but our main goal is to locate and retrieve one of the heirs of the Thomas family. Evidence of how the child was taken indicated there may be a rogue super element involved which is why you are here. These events seem to of been going on for some time but this time a kid of an elite family was targeted so we were requested to locate the child by their family. Such a problem would look great for your reputation and make a name for yourself as heroes if you can locate the child. And others if you come across them.” He said offhandedly as it was clear he didn't have much interest in the other children as their reappearance would not be as big of a splash as this rich kid.
One of the people nearby spent most of their time looking at Petyr and Mruff and then back at the neat tab files in their hands and back as there was just puzzlement. But they stepped forward to hand everyone their own individual files, when they held it out for Petyr there was the nervous sorry expression as they held it up for him. Flinching as he reached down, they moved swiftly as the file was taken and stood awkwardly in front of Mruff as they didn't hold it out as they were just trying to figure out how where to place the file before just giving Mruff’s file to one of the women.

Case file: Missing Kids:
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Join date : 2022-09-04
Age : 39

Super heros 1960 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Tue Sep 13, 2022 8:02 pm
Sitting with his eyes closed, he lifts his head up and open his eyes as he hears the Agent say his nickname. He lets out a gravely chuckle. As he lifts from the chair, he can feel the sharp pain on his back. He lets out a muffled grunt as he leans back until he hears a LOUD POP to lessen the stress of his back. He shuffles thru his pocket, pulling out the cigarette that is worn/bent and lights it up. Hmm.. still good. Sucking up the toxic/smoke inhaling into his lungs causing a firey feeling in his chest, he exhales with comfort. When the Agent told him about the new recruits, he furrowed his brow slightly knowing he rarely works with others. Bit of lone wolf. Pulling out one of the guns from his belt, he makes sure it's functional and ready to go, checking the temperature of the gun.. hmm.. cold. Walking toward the portal with its loud brimming sound echoing thru his ears make them ring a bit. As he sees the new recruits, his eyes go from left to right looking at each recruit with silence, with his thoughts to himself. His eyes widen a bit with the two large characters in front of him..Hmm.. very tall but they look like they can handle things on their own. He gives a small smile. heh wolves. My kind. Hopefully things go smooth. His eyes glancing to the others, he notices the one with the quivers. Hmm long range, she must be an expert with those. glancing at the last one. A small one.. looks pale.. Probably looks like she went thru alot. After those quick thoughts to himself, he realizes it was a bit of awkward silence, so he decides to just to raise his right hand and goes Howdy there. My name is Aron Von Wolf. Normally I don't work with others, kinda used to working by myself but with the situation at hand we will have to cooperate to make sure this mission goes thru. He thinks and glances at the agent who offhandly didn't priotirize the other childern and furrowed his brow at him. (pfft prick).
Posts : 22
Join date : 2021-10-09

Super heros 1960 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Wed Sep 14, 2022 1:24 pm
Petyr initially sputtered at the mention of space folding. He'd been looking for some kind of transport tech or spell he could disassemble and study, to get some insight as to how he could get home, and now it turns out they just casually have a portal crossing several continents that works by folding space! Fundamentally, on Gaia, teleportation (which included portals) worked in a few different ways: space folding, transposition, or dimensional bypass. Of these, space folding was one of the more dangerous (since it had the potential to spread one's mass between the origin and destination points if things went pear-shaped), behind only dimensional bypass, where one could be waylaid during their attempt by Other Things.
"Friend," Petyr said seriously, patting Mruff soothingly so his tone of voice wouldn't upset him, "once we're done here, I need to have a serious talk with the shop guys about what you all are capable of. But for now..." Petyr gave the Butler a nod, patted Mruff again, and walked swiftly off to his study to prepare. As he rode the elevator down, surrounded by some slightly nervous support staff, his mind blazed with thought. If they were capable of space folding, but hid it from him deliberately, then possibly they were working to keep him there. Of course, it could simply have been an administrative oversight, but he leaned towards the former. This organization was small, but well-funded, and very secretive, and it would make sense that they wouldn't want to lose any assets, such as himself.
Petyr pushed the thoughts aside as the door slid open and he slid through the halls. The smell of exhaust, oil, rubber and other definitively mechanical scents reminded him that he was amongst the motor-pools here, and he went into the one that had been converted for his purpose.

Petyr's study was, as usual, a mashup of carefully sectioned off chaos. A wide ritual space in the middle of the room was almost the only place not afflicted with a plague of shelving, glass containers and jars, and documents, aside from his sleeping space, which was kept meticulously clear of debris. The whole place was, by human standards, startlingly free of dust, grime, or much in the way of dirt (aside from the dirt in some of the jars), and for a human the shelving was quite widely set apart. For someone of Petyr's size though, this place was pretty cramped. It was larger than his apartment, sure, but he didn't have access to his MagiCom, and definitely no access to any kind of Internet, Maginet, or any kind of -net for that matter, so he had to do much of his research through books, and hands-on experimentation.
So, Petyr went about gathering materials for the rituals he might need, consulting the ritual requirements in his Little Black Book Mk. II (the original being back in his old dimension).
"The Cave Mother is a must, but she's good for a month," Petyr mumbled, "and so is the Gamer, which just leaves the third one." Petyr puzzled and thought for a while, since the goal was public relations, healing would make sense, and The Healer had good synergy with the others too, but it's also possible they would be tasked with more physical work, or more general work.
Eventually, Petyr settled on The Healer, who was very forgiving in the event he had to terminate the contract early, and he set about performing the ritual. He drew the circle by memory, adding in some conditions for added powers of lights, little cantrips (which made three effects he could do at once), and to be able to make sounds at a distance. He then took a golden chalice out of a box nearby, and considered it for a moment. He starkly remembered the cost of the cup, and the blood he'd paid to get it, and he really hoped all those priests had forgotten about the whole thing. He cleared the thought from his head, and began the ritual, pouring water into the cup. Once it was full, he nipped his fingertip with his teeth and dripped three drops of his blood into the cup, which quickly darkened until the whole cup was full of blood, which then overflowed over the seal and then dried out, like a grim, cracked desert. Then, unseen winds began to blow, and the dark stain of blood kicked up into a fine dust, swirled around the inside of the circle, until, in the clouds of gore, a vaguely canine face emerged, waiting patiently.
Petyr worked out a deal with the Healer, while making sure to add a few loopholes in case he needed to terminate the contract early, and as soon is the deal was struck, the clouds of blood dissipated, taking the chalked circle with them, leaving only an empty goblet, and an empowered Petyr.
Petyr picked up the cup and tossed it into his extradimensional storage. The Healer's power had mended his fingertip already, as if it were never wounded, and Petyr paused to give a small thought of thanks before setting about gathering the supplies he might need: ritual implements, writing tools, his divining crystal set (not that it would probably be terribly useful to find places of power, but one never knew), several more mundane tools like knives, his custom large-size waterproof notebooks, and, of course, his trusty modified punt gun and several dozen shells for it. He mostly loaded it with scatter shot usually, but given that they were going to a city, he conscientiously took mostly his solid slug rounds. He also took his hat and put it on, to look more disarming, practiced his approximations of human expressions in the mirror a few times, and then set off.

Passing through the portal was uneventful, given he wasn't permitted to 'waste time' by 'ogling the tech', and while he made a promise to himself to re-examine this technology the first chance he got, he settled for making observations as he passed through it. His musings were interrupted by the arrival and the distinct, jarring sensation of stepping into a new area of entirely different scents: mostly ozone, machinery, and of course the ever-present reek of humans.
His immediate impression was that of being on display: there were a lot of people lingering in the portal chamber, many of whom seemed to be gawking. He caught the mutterings about the girls, and made a note of who had said them, but Petyr put on his best approximation of a human smile and gave a mildly theatrical half-bow as he was introduced, and eyed the other super. The man looked casual, almost sloppy, and the sharp tang of tobacco hung around him like a miasma to Petyr's sensitive nose.
Petyr's thoughts were wrenched to the present by the abrupt mission briefing. His ears perked at the mention of missing children, and he took the file carefully, giving the nervous human his best impression of a charming smile, and flipped through it. It was endlessly annoying that humans came in roughly only one size, and failed to provide any accommodation for those larger than them. And he had no government office to report them to, truly the height of interdimensional discrimination!
Petyr cleared the humorous thought and started to read the material, squinting a little. It was a cruel fact that the wealthier child was being prioritized, but it made a kind of cold sense, though it was foolish, in his opinion, to only thoroughly investigate one, when they could all be connected. Petyr couldn't help but wonder if this was a deliberate attempt to damage their reputation, by sabotaging the investigation on the basic police-work level. Or perhaps they were just incompetent and looking to find someone to cover for their mistakes.
Petyr decided to think about it later and tossed the file carelessly into his extradimensional storage, then turned to the other super in the room who addressed them all, partly to snub Agent Wilhelm. The man reeked of tobacco, and had a certain carefree attitude about him to Petyr's eyes. He was used to both, having trained in Australia, but the former was slightly harder to deal with than the latter. Nevertheless, he didn't let his discomfort show and addressed him, "Petyr Dirius," Petyr introduced himself warmly, his bass voice rumbling like a distant thunderstorm, but smooth as silk, "a pleasure to meet you Aron," Petyr's translation binding was working overtime to help him with these unfamiliar names, "I hope we can find these kids." Petyr was honest about that, he had a soft spot for troubled kids, even if they were these ugly flat-faced monstrosities, "we should talk about our strategy and procedure going forward. Is this everyone you have on this case?"
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Super heros 1960 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Wed Sep 14, 2022 5:14 pm
Mruff pushed up under the pats and thumped his tail as his front paws came off the ground and his skin was pulled back to reveal the barest edges of white. But he smelt the spike in chemicals on Petyr and rummbled with the pets in his own way of showing concern. Following Petyr to just out side his door he sat down and waited patiently as he listened at the door for Petyr's approaching foot steps. As soon as Petyr left he followed by his side as he panted happily to show his own excitment as he tried to keep the smile on his face but everything anything got his attention the smile dropped before starting up once he remembered to smile.
On entering the room he bawlked at the smell divisions and made a show of unhappy screeching clicks before tucking his tail and galloping after Petyr and sends his time using everyone he knew as a safety barrier for the confusing seperation of scents. He did not like the change as it mashed against his nose in a sharp manner as he nuzzle hard into everyone but the Agent.

On stepping through Mruff became very excitable at the change of scenery from visual, to noise, to smells. Like an excitable dog in play he pushed back as he dropped his front legs down in a sprawled out manner with his butt in the air as his tail whipped out and started swaying in controlled wags. An excited wah noise escaped him as he looked about seeing new people and he felt the shift in pressure. Apparently regaining his posture he sat as things were being handed out as he looked on the people and watched his friends take the files till on was offered to him. Puffing out his cheeks he looked at the person then the file and then the person as his black vacuous eyes watched them before going back to the stupid dolphin smile as he panted to show he was happy. But as the file was being handed to one of the girls, a tongue snapped out and yanked it away from the man as he ate the file before spitting it out as chemicals coated his tongue. Spitting out the wet papers and running photographs as he rubbed his face unhappily with the taste.

While the others introduced themselfs Mruff spent his time rubbing his face against the ground from his mistake. Once done with his tantrum of chemical surprise, he slowly approached Aron. Snuffling as he got low to the ground he nosed at the hand and licked it to get a DNA make up of the man before balking away as there was a trigger memory of his fighting a werewolf that gave Sigrid and Petyr a sound thrashing. That fight caused a fair amount of damage and pain before he ran himself and the werewolf off a cliff. The mostly human with the touch of wolf and a heavy dosing of smoke taste lignered as he rubbed at his muzzle. Looking at the others and recalling they were kind about greeting the man he gave a toad croaking like greeting. "Hello. I am Mruff or Mutt."

Mutt shuffled back to hang beside Sigrid after that as he was unsure of what to make of another tricky wolf human but she was the most vulnerable one here in his opinion. Placing a portion of his mass between Sigrid and Aron he snorted at her while rumbling , "Tricky wolf man. Stay with me. I Keep you safe from tricky wolf." As he muttered about tricks he hardened his side facing Aron in a thick carapace as he was acting like a sheild to Sigrid.
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Super heros 1960 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Wed Sep 14, 2022 9:23 pm
Sorcha pulled out several sturdy, slender vials as she knelt among the plants that had finally begun to produce fruit. She hummed softly as she filled the first with one kind of goblin fruit before sealing the vial and moving to the next bush. As she filled them a large brown, grumpy toad came hopping up and sat next to her as she filled the third.
"Back so soon girl, thought you were going to let these grow up some more first.", the toad crocked in Russian as it eyed her.
"Had to come by sooner then I expected. I and the others are being sent out.", she replied in kind as she snapped the last shut.
Standing up she brushed the dirt from her knees and hands as she slowly looked about her garden. She had no idea when she would be back so she would need to be careful on how she used her goblin fruit. As she was lost in thought of this new adventure, the toad shifted, changing back into his patuljak form before walking off towards its little makeshift shack. He soon returned and tugged on her sleeve to pull her out of her thoughts.
"Here, just in case you get over your head..", he said gruffly as he hands her three bonce and glass apples before walking off to tend to the goblin fruit. He had walked off before she could reply but she smiled at the grumpy patuljak, it was nice to see he had warmed to her some. She carefully tucked the apples away as a flock of ten crows descended on her. As each one land on her upheld hand, they turned into deep black feathers. once nine of the ten were feathers she carefully slid the feathers into the thick fur lining of her hood she left the last crow settle in the hood as she made her way back to base and the room she was told to meet at.

Sorcha blinked a few times in amazement as they went from their home base to their sister location. Truly the world outside of her Grandfathers forest was filled with amazing things, but it was still overwhelming at times. Slowly taking in the room, Sorcha finally set her gaze on the welcoming party. As they were each introduced, she inclined her head slightly as she held out her hand to shake, "Pleasure meet you. Look forward to working together.", she said, her English had improved but she still had a heavy Russian accent.
Taking the file, she frowned as she looked it over, readding still gave her some problems so she shifted to look through the pictures first. She looked up and slight frown began as she listened to Agent Wilhelm. A single year in a relatively isolated area was too short a time for Sorcha to really understand human norms and the way the world worked. But if this was how adults handled the problems of some of their most vulnerable members, it was no wonder her Grandfather adopted as many overlooked and uncared for children, and why so many adults found their way into Babas stew pot and pies.
"I see.", Sorcha muttered softly as frowned before looking at the picture of the missing heir. She lifted it to look at when Mutt launched his tongue out to snap up the file before promptly spitting it up. She chuckled softly as she watched him before looking back at the picture and began flipping thought the others. She knew that Agent Wilhelm had said they suspected a rogue super, but she knew other things existed in this world. Things that could easily snap up children from the safety of their rooms and from behind locked door. Mulling it over she began to compare the ages of the children and how they looked. Human or others, she wanted to see if whoever was doing this had a type.
"Yes we should talk how we want proceed.", she said agreeing with Petry as she turned to look at Argo and Agent Wilhelm.
Zincks (Admin)
Zincks (Admin)
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Super heros 1960 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Wed Sep 14, 2022 10:06 pm
Sigrid was all set with her arms loaded up with bolts of cloth as she made sure her limbs were working right as prep work. Packing her shoulder bag with a notebook, pencils, pens, a repair kit for her limbs, and a reading book. Brushing down her outfit she breathed out. This will be her first mission rather than getting in trouble as she pulled lightly at her skirt as it covered her leggings that hid her prosthetics. Tugging on her gloves she moved them up to her shoulders before weaving the fabric into her shirt so people won't see the differences. Turning about to make sure everything is in place, she twirled about in a quick look-over before heading out.

Meeting the others at the portal she jumped at Mutt's distressed noise as he let out his distressed noises as she followed him up onto the portal. Concern for his distress flickered on her face but she closed her eyes as she decided not to question it as it is Mruff and strange things cause him distress. Looking up as she waited she felt the oddness of being squeezed out as she shuddered on her way out. She was trying not to think about what the weird light is made of nor what can happen if it went bad as the whole process only took a moment. Blinking as she looked about and noted the new place she cast an unsure look about the gathered staff. Until the mission briefing started. here she focused on the Agent who she had very little care for but she did pity the apparent paper pusher who has so far mishandled them. Passively she listened as she clasped her hands before her as she tried hard to ignore the comment about unreliable women. Looking away she did not respond when introduced as she was staring at who might have called her unreliable or the other women in her group such.

Half listening she finally looked over the new member as her eyes roved over him as he appeared on the older side. Nothing is wrong with that as she considered the Germans that more or less raised her when in the base when she still was part of the nazies as a super in training. Well, a super in training that was always on the block for removal due to her missing limbs. Closing her eyes she tilted her head before frowning as she rolled her eyes. It looked like they could afford awful things to happen to kids as they were mostly untouched by the war. Annoyance flickered on her face before she lightly covered her frowning expression in a false look of rapt attention. Taking the file she took it as she waited for Wilhelm to go away before she realized he may be lingering about as she breathed out.

After Sorsha she smiled pleasantly at Argo, The German accent was clear but she spoke pretty good English. "It's nice to meet you. Hmm. Sorry if I do not shake your hand. Most people don't like Prothetik." Holding her hand up, the glove unraveled about her fingers to show the hard material before covering it again. Re-opening the file she was careful about flipping the pages as she looked over the pictures and the known information about what happened and frowned as there wasn't much. "Well if you don't mind me suggesting we can separate and cover some of these overlooked cases. The neighbors might have seen something. Or we can travel as a group but ... hmm... " Her eyes drifted over to Mruff who was rubbing his face against the ground and lightly covered her mouth to hide her laughter at his behavior. "It would slow down information gathering but also keep from us crossing over." During this, she turned her side to Wilhelm as she was pushing him out of the circle in a much more careful manner. But when Mutt decided to get overprotective of her she squeaked as he curled around her." Mutt! Stop that. Stop protecting me you Honk." Using cloth she pulled herself up onto him so he couldn't hide her away as she sat on top as she lightly bopped him on the top of his head. Settling on top of his shoulders she used her hands to keep herself propped up on his bulk so he couldn't do whatever panicking action he decided to take up. "Sorry Mr. Argo about him, he can be a bit of a handful."
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Super heros 1960 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Sat Sep 17, 2022 9:19 pm
Argo wanted to pull his hand away from the Mruff, as some flashes of his past flew into his mind but he stood firm and shook it off. (You are fine, nothing like that is happening here it's alright, calm down cowboy) He looks at the young lady and notices her prosetheic hand, with a tinge of sorrow in his eyes before he immediately smiles a little  looking at her and saying "nothing to worry about that Miss Sigird". He says it's fine your wolf/companion just doing what he has to do as he looks at Mruff for a brief second with his sharp eyes. Standing back, he looks at everyone quickly darting his eyes from left to right before covering his hand and coughs to clear his throat as his age/body showing the toll it's taking.

The rapsy feeling in his throat causing the burning senstation. He takes a deep breath and exhales slowly thru his nose to regain his composure. He raises the files from his right hand, using his other hand which is termbling a little from the PSTD, before he grasps it with his right wrist to stop the shaking while he holds the files folder open. Looking at the files, trying to find anything that can provide a clue, he closes it with a snap. (This is all they have.. it barely has anything, they are hoping this fails..)Closing his eyes for a second before reopening them. He stands with a firm look on his face.

For this case, we do have someone else out on the field already trying to find the culprit who took these kids. I will warn you, she's a bit.. ahem.. headstrong. She's good at what she does though, so just try to stay on her good side. If ya can. As for intel I do have some information of my own.. he gives a side glance at the agent who looks to be shaking in his boots. I've been to bars asking around what type of possible creature we are dealing with. It's possibly something of a werewolf that we are dealing with.I have experiences in the past with these but well..a group is better than one to take down the target.

And yeah it would be best if we go into seperate groups to cover as much as ground as you suggested Miss Sigrid . I am under the assumption some of you have worked with each other before so I will leave it up to you to what best possible combination of teamwork that you can all cover.  We will meet a rendevous point at a certain time to gather all the intel we have on the possilbe location or locations of the kids and plan from there.
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Super heros 1960 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Tue Sep 20, 2022 11:32 am
Addressing Petyr he says flatly, "No there are two others who seemed to of... headed off with out waiting. The other two are a woman and a spirit." Agent Wilhelm breathed out a grunt as he was being socially blocked out. Clearing his throat to get their attention he spoke up. "If you do split up then please if the nonhumans deal with the wealthy. They are more well adjusted to the strange. They will not ... respond in as much anxiety. And it is the freashest site of ... " The sound of papers rustle as he flipped the papers about as he looked at what information he had and he looked at his wristwatch. " ...the last 30 hours. So you might beable to sniff out something as what you are. Besides the women are best for talking with the other families as people will not suspect them of being supers. Might talk to them more then authority figures. Argo if you want you can go with either. I am sure the other two have split up to be their own ...help." The last word reaked of scarcassm as it was clear they already were long standing headaches to him. "

Outside the cold wind nipped at any one unprepared for the warly winter as freezing tempertures sank into their clothing as the sun was down as it was 7pm. Clouds darkened the sky in black ink splots against the dark sky as stars could still be seen and the moon was obscured by periodic clouds. Lights of the city can be seen at the distance as it appeared they were a mile or so outside the City. The dry air gave the cold a further chill when the wind blew lightly. The are ahad low lights light as the largest came dfrom the door way and the pair of renfoced military trucks that could move Petyr and Mutt about with out breaking down from the weight.

[Feel free to add your own descriptions of what placed you go to.]
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Super heros 1960 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Wed Sep 21, 2022 1:09 pm
Ellie hated this time and dimention. It was so backwards but this was her best bet to get home and still have access to small marks of home. Nazies won ww2 and she couldn't belive it. And this organization wasn't called in till this rich kid was taken. She was told to stay there till they could mobilize the other new heros but time was of the essence. She had to consider the other kids possably dead but at least she could do something for the rich kid. But she didnt wait for the others and left as soon as she could. First she tried tracking the strange foot steps in the earth but she was never the best at tracking with out her black light ink bombs.

With the light all but gone she formed a light with her hand as she remained insusbastual to keep her from tarnishing the trail, in scent and physically altering. Which she realized it felt pointless considering the cops and the parents already ruined the bedroom and out side the window in any way she could use. The only thing that made her have hope is that their wasn't any blood as she got there before they "remade" the bed. And she got pictures before it got too bad. Guilt that she felt like she was wasting time was weighing on her as the narrow window for a missing kid was closing.

Looking at the position of the moon she noted she has been in a general direction west from the house but it was getting too dark and she didn't trust the other heros to show up in a timely manner. So she headed back to where she left her stuff back at the boy's room. Rematerializing she immediately snapped her hand out for the thick military coat to pull about her body as she didn't have much between her and the chill. Opening her back pack she pulled out medical gloves and glass vials that she took care to clean and started collecting samples. Using hard light to scrape up samples, she collected each sample separately and marked the bottles with pen and tape after sealing them. She had to make do with what she found in the area as she cursed not having any way to just get an analysis of this material.

Bitting her lip, she looked at the desk in the room as she considered seeing if the kid wrote anything down before looking through with clean medical gloves. Flipping through the papers in the desk she scanned the papers and drawings for anything that stood out as she scraped for anything to indicate if there were any warnings that the kid saw something and wrote it down.
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Super heros 1960 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Wed Sep 21, 2022 8:32 pm
Petyr nodded along until the insufferable little agent finished his spiel, and then what he said caught up to him. "Thirty hours?" Petyr asked in a low growl. Given his size, the words rumbled through the air and gently vibrated a nearby coffee cup. "You sat on this case for thirty hours?!" Petyr's rising voice was accompanied by a slight quirk of his lips trying to peel back from his teeth until he visibly controlled himself, "The first forty-eight hours of any investigation are critical, and after seventy-two, we're more likely to be dealing with a recovery rather than a rescue!"
Rather than listen to Wilhelm's sputtered protests, he turned to the team, "Sorcha!"
Petyr's tone was crisp, but lacked the rough edge he had taken with Wilhelm, "I need eyes in the sky. Use your radio and get some surveillance please, the quicker the better. We only have eighteen hours before our window closes to find these kids alive. Sigrid, Mruff," Petyr addressed his other friends, "I need you to take to the streets, try to get a scent trail if you can, ask around, and try to get what information you can, see if Mruff can get enough material to give us an image of our target. Keep me updated via radio please."
Petyr walked over and gave Mutt a reassuring pat, and conjured a nut to feed him, while giving Argo an appraising look. "I know we just met," Petyr's tone was much more polite with Argo, but there was a fire behind it, restrained, but still shining, "but you're the only one who knows the supers on this side. I'd like you to meet up with them, and find out what they've discovered. Keep me updated via the radio."
Petyr turned to the whole team, "I'll be setting up a base here," Petyr pointedly ignored any protests from Agent Wilhelm, "if anyone gets injured, withdraw to here and I'll patch you up. Check in regularly, and I'll maintain lines of communication. Good luck, let's find these kids." Petyr's tone was as final as a coffin being nailed shut as he turned to the others in the room.
"You," Petyr pointed to a luckless human nearby, "I'm going to need your biggest conference room on the ground floor, and someone to rig it as an operations center. I'll need a transceiver, and an operator for it in there. You," Petyr pointed to another human who was trying to imitate air, "I'll need a corkboard, a bunch of paper, a chalkboard, maps, and the biggest chunk of chalk you can get. Let's go!" Petyr snapped as they just stayed frozen, and then abruptly people started moving again, bustling about with the energy of those uncertain as to who's in charge, but certain who the biggest voice in the room is. Petyr walked out of the room, poring over the files, scanning them for clues or patterns.
"Thirty hours," Petyr muttered disgustedly, "even if they are setting us up to fail, sacrificing kids for it..." Petyr shook the dark thoughts from his mind, and focused on the task at hand. There was much to do.
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Super heros 1960 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Wed Sep 21, 2022 9:17 pm
Sorcha breathed in deeply as the cold biting night air greeted them when they were lead outside. It was wonderfully familiar to her as she looked out at the twinkling lights off in the distance as she began gauge the distance from this base to it. Shaking her head, she knew it would take several portals to get the group to the city. As she contemplated the best way for the others to get to the city she heard Petyr call out to her.
"Can do that, but if you stay it take while to get you back with us.", Sorcha said as three dark shapes suddenly burst out of the fur lining her hood. The sound of fluttering wings faded into the chill night air as the crows began flying outwards from the base to begin learning the lay of the land.
"An didn't he say you should talk wit the parents?", Sorcha said as she waved a hand towards Agent Wilhelm before turning to Sigrid and Mutt.
"I don't know area well, might be faster to drive for now.", Sorcha suggested as she snapped up the offered walkie talkie. Since she had begun to learn of the outside world, little things like clocks and radios had fascinate her. And she had finally gotten to see and learned to use a working walkie talkie and would run off with minor things if she was given a chance.
"How you want do this? If fast, be quicker to go ahead on my own to get surveillance.", she said looking at Sigrid, Mutt and Argo.
Zincks (Admin)
Zincks (Admin)
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Super heros 1960 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Wed Sep 21, 2022 9:47 pm
She carefully watched Argo as he seemed unsettled by Mruff which was totally understandable as he was a strange and possessive creature. Sigrid was surprised by the fire in Petyr as he was upset by the time when he growled as even she flinched even if it wasn't directed at her. it made her forget that the older gentleman knew her name as she shifted uncomfortably on top of Mutt. Especially as the chill bit into her as she was not ready for this weather and when Petyr got upset Mruff followed his emotional response. Gripping onto the fur she lightly bonked Mruff on his head to break the cycle before it started as she listened intently. "Argo If you know this place well as well as the other heroes then why don't you go with Sorcha to the other houses?" She smiled softly despite the tenseness of having to keep Mruff from reacting and following Petyr's request. Keeping on Mruff she looped cloth about his muzzle as she has in the past when riding him. "We are going to start with the rich family since it sounds like there is biologic material and Mutt needs a fresh scent." Pushing Wilhelm's request for who works with who, she tried to block out any complaints the man may have as she continued as Petyr was aggravated and was clearly ready to rip Wilhelm apart if given a real reason to. It passed over her head why he would be bothered as it was less than 2 days.

Getting into the truck she pressed her core against Mruff and shivered to get him to respond to her being cold as he will either fluff up or snuggle into her. Besides something about Argo spooked Mruff for some reason that he felt the need to protect her. Closing her eyes she told the driver where she wanted to go. Settling between his paws she let him cover her protectively till she got there. Indicating for Mruff to follow she approached the house and let the parents know that she and Mutt will be investigating as she kept her hand on him to make sure he was not wandering off. Once let in she made her way to the room as the parents lead her there. Opening the door she was not ready to see a woman there at the son's desk. "Uh.. hello?"
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Super heros 1960 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Thu Sep 22, 2022 10:35 am
Mruff switched from watching Argo as he smelt the change in Petyr's chemicals as he bared his teeth at the other humans when Petyr was showing agitation. But his aggressive stance dropped as soon as Sigrid bonked him on the head and he returned to a neutral state as he let out a questioning noise about it. It further shifted to happy as Petyr patted him and gave him a nut as he muched happily on the nut as his hunger went away. Remembering what was said to him about smiling he tried his creepy toothy smile with panting again, with a worried animal furrowing of his face. Things were happening that were causing all the others to get agitated and he couldn't place why as there was no distinct target to make it stop. When the cloth wrapped about his muzzle he adjusted so it can sit easily on his face as he took on a more dog look. His skin and shelling rippled before his large front paws pulled  back in to a more bear look rather then the snow shovel sized paws. Leaning forward he arched his back slowly as the fur thickened and became double coated but he loss blubber mass as his body became more lean and muscular. The small ears flicked forward and back as they grew over sized ears for an animal of his size. His teeth melded together and became more cainine rather then the serrated dolphin like teeth he normally had. Shivering under Sigrid, he lightly grip the cloth in his mouth and started forward once she indicated to get into the truck. Laying down so she can easily get off him he huffed as he crossed his forelegs around Sigrid as currently Petyr needed him to help Sigrid and he didnt know what else to do as he didnt understand the general upset of everyone around him. The worried panting look slipped into a resting state as the truck started up. Keeping in place he looked at the others in the truck before letting out a long deep sigh as there wasn't much to do while traveling. He didn't get why Sigrid wanted to traveling this large noisy machine but he wasn't going to comment as it reserves his own energy. Feeling her presence against him kept him from laying down completely
When they got there he started snuffling about as he listened intently to the world about them. It was rather calm and relaxed as he half listened to Sigrid talking to the people who answered the door. Glancing at them he noted how they looked before continuing his sniffing search  around him and Sigrid as she was keeping her hand on him. Following her lead, he flattened his ears if anyone tried to pet him as an over sized dog but allowed it as he continued along by her side as he kept sniffing to get all the environmental smells cataloged before lifting his head as he caught a smell of a person and items that stood out compared to the surroundings as Sigrid opened the door and spoke. Snuffling he caught the smell of where they came from and put his head back down to start snuffling about the room as there were many new smells.

A short snuff sounded out from him as he poked his own head in to look in but the woman there smelled a lot like the men they just left. Soon he started to take in new and out of placed smells, ignoring the woman there as he sniffed about for samples. Mostly around the window and the woman's bag as they shared scents that did not belong.
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Super heros 1960 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Thu Sep 22, 2022 2:23 pm
As Kisa was under the bed as the hard light user she learned was name Ellie and well Kisa didn't really know much about her as they were both told about the mission upon meeting and then they decided to go ahead and try to find anything they could til the rest of the team they were told about showed up from their other base.

Kisa was kind of regretting not having her "body" as she was told she needed to be unassuming so she decided to use one of her Dolls to move around and look in the smaller places that most people couldn't reach like the tight spots under the bed, behind bookshelves, ect.

As her new Teammate investigated the room Kisa mentioned she would check all kid sized hiding places for any clues.

As Kisa was under the bed she heard footsteps approaching the door and then the door opened and the steps came to an abrupt stop and a Hello? was heard before a nose of some kind was in her face sniffing under the bed.

Startled Kisa bopped the nose and as it retreated Kisa came barreling out from under the bed ready to fight forgetting she was currently in her Black cat doll body then she got a good look at what looked like a Massive dog and then she realized she was currently tiny and lacking muscle.

'Oh shit' She thought as she had already launched herself into the air to pounce on the "dog's" face.

Crap Lizzy is gonna be so mad if she has to stitch this doll up again. She thought as she was flung off Mutts head as he shook his head.

"Ouch", she said out of Reflex as she could not feel in this form, as she hit Ellie and then hit the ground and then looked back to the door of the room.
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Age : 39

Super heros 1960 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Fri Sep 23, 2022 6:46 pm
Hearing the Agent announce it's been 30 hours since the kids been missing set a sense of dread/uneasy in hs heart.  His mind went racing, thinking of every scenario, clawing away to find a scenario where all kids were found alive. The stress was crawling up on his back, under the glove he can feel his hands slowly shifting into sharp claws from the response his body was giving off. Suddenly he's out of it as he feels the growl in Petry's voice. He flicks his hair back a bit to keep his mind at ease. No point in trying to worry right now this won't help Even though he just barely met Petyr, he felt this was someone with a good heart. He gave a firm nod asked if  he can meet up with the other supers. He turns around, pulling out the files for both Supers. Terra and Kisa, and possibly their locations or whereabouts. Terra seems to be close in a certain location. Before heading off, he grabs the radio communcation to keep Petry in the know if they find anything. As he heads out, he notices Sigird and Mutt heading to the truck that is going the direction he needs to go find Terra. HIs heart is now much more calmer and with each step he takes, he reaffirms himself that the mission will succeed.

Climbing inside the truck, he notices Mutt and Sigird snuggled into the back of the truck. He puts himself into the cargo bed, looking off to the distance as they drove thru the streets of the neighborhood. He pulls out his locket from his right pocket, opening it revealing it was slightly cracked/burned around the edges because of how much it's gone thru. He runs his finger on it,  as his eyes trail around the pic . He silently closes it and puts it back into the pocket. With the cigar still in his mouth, he snuffs out the cigarette. NO more relaxing. Time to go to work. As he follows behind Sigrid and Mutt, he looks around the town trying to look for anything that looks out of place. Any clue... not a thing. Fuck. Trailing behind Sigird and Mutt, when they go thru the door, he hears a thud and sounds of a struggle. He runs as quickly as he can to turn a corner into the opened door. His mind immediately going, An attack? He starts to have his right eye widen to activate before  he sees Mutt gripping something in his mouth and flings it out what looks to be a cat creature. He deactives and just has a confused look on his face...

Posts : 25
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Super heros 1960 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Sat Sep 24, 2022 10:22 pm
(I will work on the maps)

Wilhelm kept trying to put forward words but Petyr's voice clearly would drown him out as movement started around them. Breathing out in a irratable snappish huff as the other hero's left he cleare his throat. "The cops waited more then 24 hours to contact us. I am working in what capacity I have avaliable to us. With limited information, and surprising technology I was unaware of." The pencil thin lips vanished as he pursed his lips. “And what is this 48 hour limit you know of. The other interdimentional super also mentioned that. Explain it if you can.”

As they spoke chalkboards and corkboards were set up as people pulled together what they could. Tables were dragged out and pushe together to make a larger ‘desk’ for Petyr. However Agent Wilhelm did provide assistance as he looked at the maps and his notes as he started to place pins where the kids went missing using what page of information he had on them off to the side as he used string to tie the pins together to help with defining where and who the kids were. Taking colored paper strips he color coded about how long it has been since the kids went missing.

8 months ago: four kids went missing, various ages 2-14
5 months ago: four kids went missing, ages 6-10
2 months ago: four kids went missing, ages 11-14
Current week: 2 kids have gone missing, currently both below 5

“These are the cases we have collected to be related however the police did not investigate many of these kids.”

Under the bed, Kisa found a collection of crayons, three drawings where papers fell between wall and bed. The appear to be a kid with another person who appeas to becoming more large from the crooked hunched shape the person is stooped in and the far too long fingers and square head.

Mutt with his sniffing about could smell something that was familiar yet nothing he could place at the same time. Chemical, flesh, and the reek of wet bloated human can be detected. Stress can be smelt from two different sources and a a third neutral smell that was awashed with soap scent, and old plastic. One he could easily follow as both chemical and whoever smelt of old plastic and soap stood out against the pine, dirt, street, trash. Around the window frame the chemical wet human clung to where smal grooves were to pry the window open. The same chemical scent went to the pack in the room in one of the various bottles.

On the child sized desk there were fairly typical scribbles and stick figures, with someone’s attempt to teach the child the basics of an alphabet but appear to have little luck with it as there were no attempts. All the drawings were stick figures or blocky shaped as the kid was drawing people or animals. In one of the side drawers there were misclaious items the kid must of collected from being outside and the only thing that stood out was a curved thick human looking finger nail, at least 4 inches long.

Up in the sky the lights of the city can be seen against the darkness of the night that fallen on the land. Neon lights shine brightly in the mass of light, from buildings and glittering off the water. Lights of cars can be seen moving up and down the streets as people are going on their own business. As they circle about and glide through the air one of them catches a disturbance at one of the warehouse docks. The men there are pulling something out using long handled tools to move it out as they shine a light on a goopy mess that still seems to be moving. The use the tools to keep it from going before it slashes out to grab one of the men with a goopy loogie like appendage before it breaks as the thing seemed to of over extended its self. Bubbles rise up from where the mouth would be before it goes still and oozes out into a puddle of vicuss liquid and some narrow skeleton like frame.
Posts : 27
Join date : 2021-10-22

Super heros 1960 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Mon Sep 26, 2022 7:18 am
Sorcha looked around as people began to scramble. Shrugging as it seemed she was going to get an answer she turned and head for the remaining truck as the one carry Sigrid, Mutt, and Argo rumbled off.
"Do you need a driver Miss?", a young man asked as Sorcha rest her hand on the handle of the door.
"No, I fine.", she said as she opened the door, but instead of opening into the cab it opened it an winding twisting paths. Stepping through she closed the door behind her, and she and the winding path vanished as the cab of the truck completely normal again.
Following the path to the nearest door in the city she stopped as she found the door and pushed it open. Stepping out into the cold night air she looked around at the people and cars on the street. Pulling out the map she found the street she was on and figuered out where she was before finding a quiet place to open a portal to get on to a rooftop. Once up top the remaining crows took flight to begin searching. As they flew out she began portaling from roof to roof as her right eye turned fully black as she actively took in everything from her crows. One spotted Sigrids group as they arrived and she directed one crow to follow them since they were heading to the latest incident. As she moved on through the city she stopped as one of her crows spotted something at the docks. Directing the crow closer she frowned as she got a clear image of what was happening as she pulled out the walkie talkie.
Back at the base a crow began tapping at the window of where Petyr was setting up. As the window was open the bird filtered over to the map and started pecking at the docks on the map before the walkie talkie crackled to life.
"Petry, found something at docks. It is...", she began before coming to a lose for the words, "Goopy? Jus know humans no look like this normally. Heading now.", Sorcha said as the walkie talkie went silent.
Posts : 10
Join date : 2022-09-15

Super heros 1960 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Mon Sep 26, 2022 10:43 am
Ellie paused in her search as she heard the questioning voice and turned to look to see a massive creature push in and start snuffling about. Turning to face them the open military coat showed a skin tight leotard as brown eyes watched the kid who pushed in. Her eyes immediately fixated on the man with them as she dis regarded the sapparent kid she was about to tell to go back to sleep.

She didn't get much time to speak as the beast found something under the bed. Snapping hard light about the maw of the beast to keep it from harming Kisa, she caught the doll body after it hit her and tucked her safely in the crook of her arm away from the animal as she made a small shield over Kisa.
"Shit are you ok?" She swiftly whispered to Kisa as she wasn't sure how fragile the body of the stuffed animal would be.

Facing the others she placed her free hand on her hip and aggressively placed herself between her backpack and the curious nose of Mutt as she used her leg to knee his head away from it if he started for the pack again "Sir your..." looking Argo up and down then eyeing the smaller woman as she looked for any semblance before settling on adoptive kid, "Kid really shouldn't be up with you for this investigation. It's dangerious as the preditor is hunting kids." Using the light about the muzzle of Mutt, she forcefully turns his head towards the window to get him pointed the right way as she didn't know these people but they went the family. While she does recall they were getting other supers she frowns as it looked like they sent in a father and his daughter with their freakishly big dog.
Slowly kneeling by her pack she set Kisa down and pulled out her radio receiver, "Can you call base and ask if we are expecting these guys?" Something about the olderman she thinks is familiar but she couldn't place it exactly. Keeping the shield between Kisa and the large animal threat she planed on keeping the dog away.
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Super heros 1960 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Mon Sep 26, 2022 11:43 am
After issuing his demands and requests, Petyr helped direct the placement of things around the conference room. There wasn't a chair sufficient for him, of course, so he simply sat on the floor, cross-legged, took his hat off, and set it on the desk, his ears flicking. He had completely ignored Agent Wilhelm this whole time, until everything was placed, and then he addressed him with his best attempt at a warm, human smile.

"Thank you for the question, Agent," Petyr said smoothly, his demeanor changing faster than light, it seemed, "after 48 hours, most cases go cold, on account of evidence being old, suspects vanishing, witnesses forgetting key details, and physical evidence becoming contaminated," Petyr recited what he'd learned from his time he had briefly worked as a private investigator. It had been a fun job, in many ways, but it hadn't paid consistently enough for him to get deeper into it. "Additionally," Petyr continued as he adjusted the paperwork on his desk to his satisfaction, "every hour in a missing persons' case lowers the odds of finding a victim alive significantly. After 72 hours, we're likely looking more at body recovery, rather than rescue, especially in cold weather. While I know you all have definitely done your best," Petyr's voice betrayed no trace, not even an iota of irony, "I'm sure you can understand why we moved so suddenly."

Petyr eyed the pins as they were put up, and thanked the Agent. "Wilhelm," Petyr said pensively, casually ditching the man's title, "why weren't these other disappearances investigated? Are the local law enforcement departments short on manpower?" It bothered him, and not just because it was kids missing, but that it seemed out of place, "seventeen disappearances inside a year, from a broad range of ages, and apparently economic backgrounds." Petyr shuffled through the paperwork, and brought up the names of the kids missing, and the dates they had been reported, which was the only info he had.
He flexed a little power and hung the list in midair, over the table, "Why does the trend seem to go up in age ranges, and then go back down? Is it a coincidence?" Petyr made a ball of light hover over the table, "Is it unrelated?" Another ball of light hovered over the table, "Or is there something larger going on?" A third ball of light hovered over the table, and then all three winked out.
"Also," Petyr added, his tone darkening, "why have no bodies been found? Are they just hidden? Consumed?" Petyr allowed a bit of a chill to flow through his voice, "Or are they being used for something?" Petyr had demonstrated that rituals function here, and he could think of plenty of unsavory ways someone might use a child's life. Memories of hordes of contagious ghouls from the Night of the Necromancer passed through his mind, and he wondered, internally, what this world's quarantine protocols would be.

Petyr's voice caused a small silence for a moment, until Sorcha's crow flew in the window and tapped on the map laid out on the table. Petyr thanked it, and put a pin into the spot, mildly unnerving the humans in the room. The radio operator spoke up, pulling the headphones off of his head, "Uh, sir, that Russian lady's calling in, she says there's some kind of... goopiness? At the docks." The man was nervous, he clearly didn't want to be in this room, but he had faithfully set up his radio transceiver, and established a connection to the dedicated channel the supers used.
Petyr brightened, and thanked the man, "Get a microphone over here, the biggest one you've got that will work for that thing," Petyr's voice was crisp and businesslike, "and get a speaker so we don't have to try to make that headset fit." Petyr's tone was joking, but he made a mental note to make a radio headset for himself. It wouldn't be used often probably, but it sounded like an entertaining challenge. After that was quickly arranged, Petyr called back on the channel, "This is Big Bad Wolf calling all the little bunnies," Petyr said, whimsically coming up with call-signs on the go, "Borscht," Petyr named Sorcha mischievously, "has found something at," Petyr listed off the address of the docks, "Saurkraut," Petyr called to Sigrid, his tail starting to wag as he continued, "bring your hot dog if you go, sounds like trouble, over." Petyr was of course referencing Mruff, since no one went in him, or a hot dog either.
"All other bunnies hop along to provide support, over." Petyr wasn't about to make silly names for people he hasn't met yet, and he continued as if he was entirely serious, "Borscht," Petyr called to Sorcha again, "support is on the way, run to the burrow if things get too hairy, over." Petyr was having a field day with all the puns and double-entendres, "all other bunnies report in, what's your status, over?"
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Join date : 2021-12-09

Super heros 1960 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Mon Sep 26, 2022 4:21 pm
Mruff had the unpleasant experience of something non biological leaping at his face and something snapping his jaw shut as trap triggering came to mind. The chest bellow sounded out as he thrashed his head and flung the object off his face as he sat back and with a decidedly mortified expression of a dog as there were no smells to what happened to him. Swiftly he switched to pawing at the muzzle and his ears flattened before just retracting the snout as the jaws regrew free of the muzzle. Hardly bothered by it all he now hyper focused on the smells as he went for the bag to feel a knee to his head. So he simply tossed his head throwing the other hero as his tongue snapped out to grab the bottles and start out the window so he could start tracking with out having to deal with this new person or strange traps.

He paused half way out to uses his tail to grab Sigrid about the waist and yank her to him as he couldn't trust these others with his pod mate. Unknown threats, tricky wolf, and weird glowing weaponry. Slipping the rest if the way out he broke the bottles in his mouth and started to track the scent and clear chemicals. Pushing the glass shards out of his body, he started a light gallop in following the trail. He did not wait for Sigrid to respond or yell at him as his limbs shifted so if she tried to stop him it was ineffective. Nose to the ground he moved swiftly as he held Sigrid tightly behind him in the now prehensial tail.

But the road smells started to blend the smells as he pocketed the material in a cyst like growth in his maw and started down the street following what he could. Asphalt and various human smells crossed his path so he focused in the distinct and easily followed smell and taste as he kept his nose to the ground and kept after the first trail he caught wind of as he could not get a clear age to the trail as he couldn't determine what was older and which was fresh.
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