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Super heros 1960

Zincks (Admin)
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Super heros 1960 - Page 3 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Wed Oct 26, 2022 9:38 pm
Petyr followed the crow assiduously, listening to his radio as he dodged between cars, other motorcycles, and the occasional pedestrian. As he heard that Sigrid hadn't been caught yet, he accelerated, knowing that that situation could very well only be momentary. A man driving home from work late swore colorfully out his window as Petyr roared by, pushing the engine of his vehicle to its limits. The crow dipped down a side-street, one blocked by a large truck, and Petyr followed, thundering into oncoming traffic and scraping between the truck and an oncoming sedan so closely his legs felt like they had brushed metal.
A red light called for Petyr to make way for cross-traffic, but as the crow ignored it, so did he. Petyr wove between the evening traffic, which screeched and honked like disturbed metal geese as he threaded himself through the flow of cars and trucks. He wished he had had his old bike from home, though it hardly would have fit here, but people tended to make way for it more readily. As it was, he leaned on his horn and mounted the sidewalk to bypass another traffic jam.

Pedestrians screamed, horns honked, and brakes screeched as Petyr roared around traffic to follow the crow, his long white coat flapping in the wind of his passing. Sirens and lights signaled he had attracted the attention of the local authorities, and they followed in his wake like sharks seeking blood. Petyr paid them no mind, and focused instead on avoiding traffic, people, and the occasional animal as he pushed towards his destination. Police on motorcycles were joined by squad cars that joined the chase, their angry lights and screaming sirens almost lost in the rumbling roar of Petyr's passage. A small note jotted itself down in the back of Petyr's mind that this would likely cause trouble and he would need to come up with some way to smooth things over later, but that was a later problem. Plus, it had the added benefit of bringing additional reinforcements.

Then he saw it: a large, old, brick warehouse, marked by a nearby scrap of purple and gold cloth, flapping in the chilly wind like a beckoning finger, with what looked like humans with guns moving out. The door was likely locked, but it looked to be only made of wood. A monstrously simple idea occurred to Petyr, and if he had had a tail it would have been wagging. As it was, his stone-faced human visage simply sharpened with his renewed focus as he gunned the engine, which roared in return. Squad cars arrived to block his way, but Petyr paid them no mind, instead he stood up on the bike, leapt off it as it was going towards the wall... and changed back. His clothes snapped and groaned as the ingenious straps and sections Sigrid designed for just this purpose unfurled, and several of the officers, and the very surprised armed guards gaped at the unexpected arrival of a twelve foot tall anthropomorphic wolf. Petyr crossed his arms in front of his face, tucked his legs up, and arrived like the world's fuzziest wrecking ball.

Physics is a great and terrible thing, a force that knits reality together, and one which has several immutable rules. In this case, the rule was that if an object weighing a little under two tons hits a flimsy wooden door at approximately 60 miles per hour, the door ceases to exist. So does the surrounding brickwork.
Petyr rolled, in keeping with the rules of momentum, and uncurled to turn the movement into a handspring. He landed on the concrete floor, his speed and mass cracking it as the momentum left his body. He bared his teeth at the room, and growled out, "Good evening everyone, where's my dog?" And then everything was extremely loud, and full of pain.

Petyr had dealt with sonic attacks before, generally by arcanists looking to 'knock the mundie down a peg', and so he could only assume that someone had been waiting for him as Sorcha's spell triggered. It was agony, broken only by the blessed relief granted by the destruction of his eardrums, and in that ringing silence, Petyr spotted the guards that had left the building bringing their firearms up to bear. The arcanist was probably amongst them, he reasoned, since the people in the warehouse around him were crouched down covering their ears, or simply unconscious, but as soon as he had been actually injured, everyone in the room had become a threat. He grabbed one of the ones that was armed and mostly upright, and threw him at the guards readying to fire, scattering them briefly, but long enough for Petyr to close the distance.

The sonic spell had blown the windows out, and the light bulbs with them, but Petyr's night vision was much better than a human's. He grabbed one of the guards and used him as a shield as the others brought their firearms up, then he casually broke the man's arms with a twist and reached for the next, pivoting around with a grace unbecoming his size and weight to twist the rifle from his grasp (and break his wrists in the process), and slam him down onto the man he had thrown, knocking the wind out of both of them and shattering bones. A shotgun blast hit Petyr from behind, but it only served to bring the Gaian's attention to the hapless humanoid, who he grabbed by the arms and twisted until he felt something give way, and the firearm drop, before tossing him heavily onto the pile of dead or broken guards.

Petyr felt The Healer beg him to heal his own ears, but he dare not yet, not while he still felt the waves of sound pulsing through the air around him, so it was in that ringing, pounding silence he grabbed the fifth guard who had brought up his own shotgun, by the face and slammed him down on the pavement, with fatal consequences. Petyr rushed back inside, and immediately moved to neutralize those he could, only to stop and stare at the tubes, where, to his horror, Mruff hung suspended, apparently incapacitated. Petyr rushed to the control console, but shook his head at the controls and instead stepped back, and drew out his punt gun. It had been a faithful partner for several years now, and Petyr had modified the elderly weapon to fit his hands, and fire shells of his own making. He'd witnessed the weapon bring down whole flocks of birds when loaded with shot, but now it was loaded now with a solid slug. A slug this size shouldn't penetrate far, which is why he picked it for this urban environment, but it could damn well shatter some glass he hoped.

Petyr brought the monster gun up to bear, aimed squarely at the bottom of the tank so as not to hurt Mruff within, and, momentarily blessing his current deafness, fired.
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Super heros 1960 - Page 3 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Thu Oct 27, 2022 7:36 pm
Mutt settled down in the bottom of the tank to continue his watching and kept one forearm hidden in the murky liquid. But on seeing the kid his ears flicked back as he slowly paddled to readjust his position in the tank. His legs started to move again as he closed the wounds and smoothed everything over to be uniform yet again. Soon he settled to lean against the glass to keep watching as his attention went from the Man, the person at the control panels, the child, to Sigrid above. Keeping one forearm out of sight he felt his body reacting to his wants again as his spine adjusted to pull the shocks away from his organs so he can recover swift. The pain of this shifting was unpleasant as he formed the claw inside his paws and leg. Weakening the flesh about the claw, he shrank the amount of muscles in his face to hide his discomfort.

As the bird movement caught his attention before he floated up a small fraction as he focused on the bird to watched it starting to draw near by for several moments before turning his attention to the child again.  But he saw the syringe and the child as he stayed resting against the glass. His mind dragged at what this could mean but that was a small human and he knew they were looking for a small human. Pulling his head away for a moment he shifted his body about before pressing up slowly again. Fixating on the child and thinking on that he was stopped he started creating limpet teeth chitin under his skin and making it dense on the side he wasn't showing them.  Slowly it spread over his muscles and under his skin as he worked the protection over his body as he kept breathing in the strange liquid. He knew he was sacrificing the skin mass once the gun fire started but it was his best idea so he wasnt harmed again.
At least he was ready for his first and only plan. However more things happened before he excitably scrambled at the middle of the tank as he looked about to see Petyr in the room. Silent excitable wiggles started up as he twisted about as he was aware of the noise starting in his tank but the strange liquid muffled it as he pointed down all of seconds before balling up as he saw Petyr grab the massive  gun,  the Gaian's fire arm unsettled him as he wrapped his tail about himself till he heard the gunshot. Swiftly he unfolded to swim to the cracked tank where the slug hit. Positioning himself, it was clear now what he did to his arms as he was face in looking at people when the heavy hammers ripped free of his skin. Tattered skin held on from his arms as blood blossomed out from his front before another two hard hits struck the tank. Each hit caused it to splinter and fracture before the final fourth hit as the water exploded outwards from the slug shot, sound, and his blows.

The water dragged him out as the water pressure exploded outwards as the glass was swallowed by the rush of water. Still not the most steady on his hindquarters he lurched up and shielded himself as the onslaught of noise washed over him. But what he was not ready for was the wrenching as his chest heved to empty his lungs of the strange liquid he was breathing just in. Feeling like he was breathing and drowning at the same time his chest compressed to squeeze every thing it could out of him before expanding rapidly as he kept low to the ground as the onslaught of feelings and physical agony was vibrating through him and pushing out of him. Staggering side to side the closest human felt the force of a cannon strike them as he was strking at any blurry figures that were not Petyr. He felt the vibrations wave through him as each compressed muscle released. Slamming into the wall as he is no longer supported by the liquid he is finding he is not the most coordinated as he blinked out the liquid from his eyes and was under assault from sonic vibration rippling thruogh the sensitive mantis shrimp  hairs he had for hearing.  

Ragged skin hung from the rough blood stained shell as he kept moving about loosing the skin as there was not time to reabsorb his tainted mass and find out if it would risk the chemicals affecting him again. So he continued his crustation horror of pulping the torsos of the humans that upset him as he would strike their torsos or arms, near Petyr as he used a small slender arm to hold onto Petyr's leg fur. Using his primary claws he pulled humans alive or dead closer to him as he starts feeding on them injuring them further if he must so he can eat them without them fighting him. However when ever his hold on Petyr is broken he stops his feeding to look for Petyr to hold on to his fur again, dragging the current body with him. Terror in being seperated was much more overwhelming then his want to be larger. His movements was like a panicked kitten till he found a friendly to touch. But this only lasts two times before he removes a limb and just latches onto Petyr's leg and digs in on a moneculer level so he cannot be pryed away from his large friend without removing flesh from Petyr or breaking Mruff's limbs to unhook him. The terror of being seperated from his pod mates caused him to start to shake uncontrolleably in fear as he just held the limb in his maw as feeding has ceased to continue in favor of being attached to friendlies untill there were more threats. Glossy black eyes stared off as he was looking for new threats or those he knew as friendlies. To either to end their existance or to cuddle into them and treat their wounds after droping his make shift nervious chew toy.
Zincks (Admin)
Zincks (Admin)
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Join date : 2019-04-14
Age : 34

Super heros 1960 - Page 3 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Sun Oct 30, 2022 5:57 pm
Sigrid's eyes looked at the bird as she started to pull the cloth out and make dense woolen earmuffs and earplugs to block out a large amount of sound. Squinting her eyes as she tensed up as the cloth went into her ear she tensed up even if she was ready for it. Unsettling and awful feeling but it sapped all the noise that she could hear at the time. It took a while as she was weaving rather small careful structure work to make condensed cloth material. As she shifted her position to get closer to Mutt her eyes snapped to the silent shadow that joined her as she fixated on the person she couldn't make out much before they seemed to move away to a wall and vanish like a ghost. Unsure of what she saw she moved to get near Mutt as her eyes lingered on the child. Her mind was figuring out how to safely remove the child from the table with the men around.

And she has figured out a hammock system and just going to cut the straps holding the child down and swiftly pull the child to safety once they had to deal with Mruff when he was free. However that they caught him and made him stop was still worrying as she got ready to also pull Mutt free from the quarrel once he started moving on to the attack. But she didn't have much to worry about as cloth snapped out to hold her to the beam as she flattened herself to the beam as a wall exploded into the full mass of Petyr. And his voice rumbled through her body she could make out his words just before she could hear the tone start as Sorsha's spell went off. And Petyr went mad as she realized the ritual was causing him pain, as he violently reacted as she saw he was taking out anyone still standing that he did not know. As the lights popped out she snapped the cloth down to real up the kid up as sharpened cloth sliced down through IV tubing, straps, and the material under the child before the hammock formed about the child as she pulls them up to her cradled-in makeshift cloth scoop. Zipping the child up to the beams with her she made cloth wrapping about their ears in some attempt to relieve the damage already done till Petyr wandered under her.

He looked at the controlled panel near Mutt's container before drawing his gun to point it at the tank at this point she clutched the child to her and snapped cloth down to yank up the non-combatent scientist before Mruff could escape to start mauling everything around him as she did not know how he would respond to what has happened to him. Or she could at least guess that as she hauled them up using her cloth and the pair of them near Mruff as counterweights to each other than straining herself more than she had to. What she wasn't ready for was Mruff clinging to Petyr's leg and his trembling. Indicating to the bird to cut the tone she started to make her way toward the entrance before seeing that there were flashing lights outside. Moving to head off to the police as she will be able to talk to them she wanted to keep them out as she did not know what state Mruff was in. Holding up a hand as the child was held to her by her other arm, the cloth unraveled about her head and the child's head, "Please stay back please we have the situation under control." Biting her lip she recalled some of the speech tips Petyr gave her and she hardened her voice in hopes they will listen to her. But it failed part way through as she looked on the Men and started to lose the Bravado as she started strong but her voice faltered since the men looked like they were not quite listening to her. "Secure the perimeter and make sure no one leaves. We supers are dealing with the situations."
Feeling the men not taking her seriously she covered the hole with cloth to keep them out, Fabric snapped out from her arms and legs as she covered the hole and stiffened the material placing her at the center. Staring bitterly at the ground as they still treated her like a young woman rather than what her position was supposed to be. Mostly with the comments of her staying with the child in her arms as they were going to check things out. At least till she blocked their way. She knew they saw a young woman and had this need to protect her and to tell her to get out of the way as they needed to preserve some form of their manhood. At least till they saw her powers. Quietly she stood there as an obstacle till anyone she recognized came up and she let them pass if they asked as her eyes were showing how upset she was with the men not taking her seriously. Or to take the child from her as she didn't know what to do now. With Mruff in his state and Petyr possibly still reacting with calculated violently as she warned them about the dangers she knew of.
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Join date : 2022-09-04
Age : 39

Super heros 1960 - Page 3 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Thu Nov 10, 2022 7:26 pm
Cracking his neck and reaching behind his neck to feel the tip of the augument, Argo leaned off the corner of the warehouse building when the corner of his eye sees a bird going into the warehouse,  and before he could respond the muffled sounds of an explosion rattled the building and the windows shattered.
Putting up his arm to block any debris from hitting him, he lowers it after a few seconds. Slowly he takes steps forwards and sees a black
blur of fluff break through the front door. "Petyr?" The sounds of fighting began and Argo clicks his eyes to see what's going on for a second, but
all warm signals go cold immediately except two. He takes a deep breath and his ears perk when he hears sounds of the loud blaring of police sirens. "Oh great." cops." If there is one
thing Argo hates more than anything it's cops. Bunch of paper pushers, and bullies with authority. They are clearly out of their league, if they
went in there, they would get shredded and we would end up with a bigger problem in our  hands, he thought.. Not wasting any time, he walks towards them firmly with a stern expression on his face but loosens it a little as  he notices Sigird talking to the officers, standing between them and the chaos that is probably ensuing in the builiding. Unforunately he knows that cops don't give much respect to others, especially women.

"This is gonna get ugly fast, I need to defuse that immediately." PIcking up his pace towards Sigird and the cops, he grabs his tie, tugging it to give it a more professional look and with his right hand pulls out his black framed shades. These should be perfect to hide his eyes, as he has a  bit of a terrible poker face. As soon as he see the officer about to head past Sigird and into the building. He stomps his foot to the ground to make his prescene known. gust of wind blowing off his foot to disort the cop a little. Soon as the cop recovers from the sudden gust of wind blowing in his face, Argo puts his arm out and raises his hand full palm to stop the cop taking advantage of the disortion.  With a stern and deeper tone growl in his voice "Sir, what are you doing heading into that building?!" The officer seems confused and asks who the FUCK are you?

Argo pulls out his wallet and flips open it up and flicks it back before the officer could see anything other than just a half second of his ID. "SAPD! I have this area under supervision and you are trepassing on my field . Kindly turn around and go back as I have this situation under control." The cop not sure what's happening, heads back to his car to ask if there is
such a thing as SAPD. Soon as the cop is out of sight, Argo let's out a huge breath of relief as he barely could contain his composure from laughing.
Looking at Sigird  he asks, "you alright? If I had to guess our buddies are in that building blowing shit up."  Looking over to the cop who is about to open his car door and is about to radio in. "I probably only bought us like five minutes before he knows i'm bullshiting, so let's try to get them out as quick as we can."
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Super heros 1960 - Page 3 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Sat Jan 21, 2023 7:13 pm
Outside (Argo and Sigrid)
The men were not giving Sigird much attention as they looked to want you push her to the side till she got back up. With the Stomp of attention the coops looked over before unsurely stepping to face him before bending to the authority Argos blocking his bath as he took several steps back as the newcomer put him on the back peddle. Now that the apparent hero handler has shown up he didnt feel quite so bold to push his luck with the female hero to pursue the man that ran many lights causing traffic chaos. There was a clearing of a throat as the man scrambled internally to get his composure in check. Thankfully the rapid assault of badge and getting in his face stalls the others as well as they are waiting for orders. “Officer Kogieng, we were pursuing a perp into the warehouse for traffic violations, and it seems like there is some disturbance in there so we were going to check it out. A little lady like your partner should be at home tending the kids, not getting wrapped up in men business. But uhh.” He stalled before stepping back further to bark out that the others should check the perimeters. “Let me check back with command about some events.” Suspicion lingered in his eyes before he retreated to his car to start make calls asking about any hero groups that are in the area.
The child curled into Sigrid in their sleep and muttered something intelligible.

Inside front (Sorcha, Petyr, and Mutt)
With the destruction of a fair number of the men inside being destroyed by a rampaging set of heros or incapacitated by the sound. The container Mutt was kept in was on a slightly indented platform with a thick metal surrounding it for a slight raise that helped the liquid pool inside the shallow indentation. Petyr could feel with his pads he could feel the liquid consistency was a thin fur shampoo that Mutt was kept in.
Above Sorsha can see that most were either now dead if in the kill range of the two non humans or still alive but covering their ears or trying to get away as they cannot walk straight or keep themselves up as their internal balance has been destroyed.Only one managed to slide into the shadows of the alcohol tanks and pressed himself into a spot that he worked to not be notices and attempted to blend into the darkness and away from the outburst of violence as he clutched his ears, blood dribbling out.

Inside Back (Ellie and Kisa)
Ellie and Kisa could see that this area was more sectioned off to contain rooms with bolts on the outside and key pads on the outside. One of the rooms seemed larger then the others as behind that door was a tank of mutated dog creatures that were pacing inside their large cage. An estimate of four appears to be in there. In the smaller rooms there are children or humanoid creatures that are in there. Most of the kid appear to be normal but others had changes to them that distorted their features with animal traits. Some of the slime creatures appear to be lacking will to resist being taken over as well as there being some children being unconscious by some means. Inside the guards are more heavily equipped and armored with what appeared to be Kevlar or lighter armor then expected to keep them safe from gunfire. The area is broken into a more office set up and split between 2 floors.Other rooms look to be offices or medical labs of of some kind
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Join date : 2021-10-22

Super heros 1960 - Page 3 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Wed Feb 22, 2023 9:15 pm
Sorcha narrowed her eyes as she shielded them with a hand as the glass shattered. She had known Petyrs quick and dirt ritual circle would be more volatile, but it was quicker than the alternative and it got the job done. As soon as Mutt was free, she was surprised and happy, he showed his normal quick recovery, but she was surprised at how quick he turned the people below into red mush well staying as close to Petyr as possible.
Gently rubbing at the skin around the solid black eye she directed the crow that drew the circle to drag its beak through it, shattering the spell and dropping the room back into blissful silence, save the groans of pain. As Yatagarasu finished removing all traces of the spell, Raum hopped along and shared with Sorcha as it spotted the man that slid himself behind the tank. The crow fluttered its wings as it shifted from foot to foot as it looked down at the man. Hopping about Raum stopped as Sorcha gave a silent command once she had a clear image of the man's surroundings as a grin crossed her face.
Popping the lid of the quiver open she made a flicking motion with her pointer and middle finger that caused the arrows within the quiver to dart out before a low whistle halted them, causing them to float in midair before they began to lazily circle her. As the arrows moved in a slow circle around her, she reached out as she opened a small portal in front of her and right behind the man's neck. Reaching through the portal she grabbed hold of his shirt collar and hair as she simultaneously pulled him back wards well forcing the portal wider as she tossed him down on the roof at her feet. Once he was sprawled out on the ground, another quick hand motion and whistle had the arrows at the ready to strike if he attempted to move.
"Deaf as newborn kitten, I fix for you.", she said as the crows on her shoulders fixed the man in their sights before Sorcha closed her eyes began the healing spell. If he moved at all the arrows moved with or shout towards him, barely missing before returning to it spot in the formation.
"Now friend, I have many questions. An you answer me, or I send you back to my two friends below.", she said an inclined her head towards the shattered skylight and the carnage below.
"What you do here to the little one you take? Where other little ones taken? Any why you attack and take my teammate?", she stated flatly making it clear she was not in a bargaining mood.
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Join date : 2022-09-15

Super heros 1960 - Page 3 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Thu Mar 02, 2023 7:13 pm
Ellie felt the pull of darkness on her muscles as she phased through the wall. The fatigue of fading through the wall lingered as if she had a good run as she hovered mostly invisible as she kept above the light settling on beams to manifest again. Breathing out as the temperature less existence vanishes, the cold rushes in as she tightened up. Moving silently as her bare feet moved along the metal beams, she looked to see if she can see any thing that would easily be taken off the men that were about. Eyes lighting up as she sees what appears to be a clunky key card, she starts looking for an isolated member to knock them out and take the card to let the others in. Following a man in a lab coat she notes he seems to be going into a room as she swiftly phases out again and lowers her self into the room making sure the room was clear and isolated before swiftly reforming. Her hand grabbed the back of his head and carried through as a light barrier gagged him and the sharp crack of the man's head hitting the hard desk. As soon as his body went limp with the mostly silent take down, she lifted the card off him as well as his clothing so people will not immediately pick her out. Wishing she had a way to communicate with the others, she opened the door slightly to appear out to see if she could swiftly get into the darkness of the space above the lights. Seeing people coming down the corridor she closed the door and listened for them to pass.

Thinking swiftly she considered the longer she takes the more danger the kids are in and she needed back up. Possibly. The bad guys did appear to be just normal guys with guns. Nah she should be fine with what ever back up Kisa should be able to provide with the lab models. Self confidence at an all time high she kicked open the door, startling the men that was passing as her fingers closed on hard light of a staff as she whirled it about to strike them swiftly behind the legs then up against the throat as she danced between them silencing the sharp yell of startle surprise. twisting about she slammed the staff into the back of the other man's head and started to move swiftly back towards the door as she planed on opening the door to let the Dog and the massive werewolf guy in to provide back up that she saw on the other side. As well as the quadriplegic and hopefully the old bounty hunter guy she had been introduced to. As she sprung around a corner her eyes flashed as she saw a human shape. using the staff to divert her energy, legs wrapped about the man's neck and she used the momentum to flip him preforming a hurricanrana, with no care for the neck of the man she just slammed into his buddy. As she hit the ground her leg swung up to catch him between his legs to take the air out of his lungs through pain just as he was starting to recover from the sudden interruption of his night of his flying friend and unknown woman. At a distance she saw someone starting to draw for their gun so she made a burst of light to expand against the trigger making the man shoot himself in the foot before it could completely clear the holster.

Rolling effortlessly to her feet she felt the burn of anger at the situation she found herself in. Using this as a chance to burn off her frustrations she lashed out at the men and set her self for causing damage to the men about here. Cupping the card into a light hold she sent it towards the door as she threw the light staff at another guy who was rounding the corner and flexed her power to move it unnaturally as it hit him to get between his legs and flip the man over before bouncing it into the gut of another man and lifting him up before it dispersed. As the card hit the card pad it occurred to her the super tall werewolf man didn't know what she looked like or that she was an ally. That was a problem in a little bit that she could deal with as she had more pressing matters of guns.
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Join date : 2021-10-09

Super heros 1960 - Page 3 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Sat Mar 04, 2023 3:50 pm
Petyr watched with satisfaction as the tube gave way from his trusty sidearm's assault, unaware of Mruff's efforts at first, until he scuttles out in his crustacean form. Petyr had a momentary, whimsical thought that it seemed everything did evolve into crabs eventually, though admittedly his companion was more of a shrimp. He guarded him while the dog-turned-shrimp consumed the dead and the dying, pausing only to throw a bit of the shattered tube at one of the security guards with a broken leg that had somehow found a gun and propped it up to aim. The glass smashed through his face with messy results, and Petyr cheerfully pumped his fist until he felt a weight latch onto his leg. Mruff was clinging to him, shaking like a lost pup, though admittedly one that would have given most mothers nightmares, and Petyr bent down to pet him soothingly, right as he felt the pulsating sound cease tickling his whiskers.

Cautiously, he allowed the Healer to tend to his eardrums, passing along a silent thanks in his mind. Like a gentle caress across his head, sound returned, mostly the groans of the injured and the sirens without, punctuated by the various sounds of human discomfort: retching, moaning, soft cursing. He reveled in his newly-refreshed senses, taking in the sounds of the chaos and devastation he had wrought, and he listened intently for any other potential hostiles as he scanned the room. And then he heard a door slide open.

He hadn't initially noticed the other doors into the room, as his attention was filled with more pressing concerns like big mysterious tubes, people with guns, sonic attacks, and so forth. And now the doorway was filled with a few terrified-looking security guards pointing their pistols at possibly the most casually scantily clad human he'd seen yet. He had no idea if she was an enemy, but the security thugs seemed to be her enemies, and that was good enough for him. He couldn't shape-shift with Mruff on his leg, so he pivoted, scooping up a metal clipboard from nearby between his fingers before completing the motion to fling it like a card-thrower, backed up by some of the Gamer's power.

Subtle cracks formed in reality momentarily, and Petyr's appearance seemed to flicker between all the movements he had just done, and then there was a complex thudding, crashing sound, like two things trying to occupy the same space, and then the clipboard scythed through the doorway, buzzing past Ellie like a hornet before burying itself in the wall of the corridor beyond, red-hot, still flickering for a few moments, as if unsure if it existed or not, before it settled on agreeing with local physics, and was simply embedded up to the clip in the wall. Two of the guards in its path dropped, missing heads, the stumps of their necks seared from the heat of the clipboard's passage. A third, who had seen the wind-up and dove for cover screamed on the floor as it had cut across his eyes, while the fourth, who had been coming around the corner, dove back down the hallway, covering his head.

"Well," Petyr remarked affably to Mruff, petting his head between the eyestalks as he shook the sting out of his fingers from the throw with his other hand, "three out of four ain't bad." He pulled his punt gun out of storage again, reloaded pointedly, and brought it up to point at the doorway, "Come on out with your hands, pseudopods, or other appendages where we can see them!" The order was, Petyr mused as another dying human nearby retched, a little late, but it was better late than never. Besides, he was curious about the enemy-of-his-enemy, and about where they stood on all this. Just in case, he had angled Mruff to be shielded by his other leg; the poor guy had been through enough today, Petyr felt.

He watched Ellie down the sights of his oversized shotgun, which, should it matter, was loaded with another slug.
Posts : 15
Join date : 2021-12-09

Super heros 1960 - Page 3 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Tue Mar 07, 2023 11:16 am
As Petyr stilled he would cautiously stretch out for meat as he swiftly rebuilt his size and was growing lean rather then his broad shouldered shape. Snapping out the hardened tipped tail like a whip he pulls the meat in and grows as every thing settled down. He continued to want full contact with Petyr as the other continued to survey the area, but the body vanished into him adding to his long mass as he expanded like an eel around Petyr's leg while keeping the layered shelling as he repurposed his skin for armor plating of the mollusc he favored for taking damage with. Now taking on mostly a mix of a mantis shrimp, snake creature with strange grey plating, and a flexible striking hooked stinger of a scorpion. With all the colors he normally never observed he was frozen with making out any threats and only reliant on Petyr as he was terrified of the men in this facility since they hurt him in away he could not even attempt to adapt to. Feeling new vibrations his eyes twitched as whiskers for making out changed in the environment. All he could see was the door made out the psychedelic colors moving. He started to vibrate against Petyr as he was over stimulated by fear and visual stimulation he was not adapting to fast enough. and with Petyr moving the world became a tornado of unspeakable colors as his stomach felt strange and unpleasant as it rolled in his guts. Once the movement stopped he considered letting go of Petyr as the rolling stilled as something happened that he could not process was higher up near his protective pod mate. But with it moving away from them he stilled other then eating more.

As Petyr's colorfully dark finger moved towards him the eye stalks trembled at the array of colors he is not use to taking in before arching into the petting. Pulling his eyes back into his body he armored up his face and protected himself the best he could before dropping off the leg of his protector as he slithered down to the ground before curling up like an armored shell near Petyr as the world dulled and became more monochrome in coloring to what he just was experiencing but it was pleasant for him as he went for the near by dying person before retreating behind Petyr again with the now screaming person as their limb as being crushed by pressure of the hammer claws he was using to drag them. Swiftly he attacked the throat to quiet the creature as he added their mass to his own bringing his size up to a small armored Anaconda. But his eyes focused on the open door before  he at least recognized the woman standing there. Changing fast he felt sick with the rapid changes he was forcing his body to go through as his whole body was hurting to do it as he turned the insides into a cone snail to shoot at any other threats from behind the safety of Petyr and his armored shape. Wheezing with the strain his body was going through he still was not up to just his normal casual actions he just wanted to sleep now. Never before has be felt this before as fatigue and exhaustion was burning into his body and to his dismay it has not gone away with consuming materials. Any new threats he targeted and fired Chitin spikes at them as he was not leaving Petyr's side now but could not let his pod mates suffer alone.
Zincks (Admin)
Zincks (Admin)
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Super heros 1960 - Page 3 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Sat Mar 11, 2023 5:34 pm
Sigrid shifted her weight as her expression softened with Argos getting the man to back off. Whispering to Argos she gave him a swift run down, "Mutt got taken by people and currently He and Petyr ..hmmm Big Bad Wolf. They both are.. very upset. I uh... never seen Mutt hurt like this and I .... can not predict what he will do. But I do not think he will harm me. And...maybe you since he licked you. And I have a child from inside." Revealing the child in her arms the cloth drew back as they were clearly out before the cloth moved back over him. And she lowered the cloth to let the smell of iron flow over her from the destruction of people inside. Her voice was steady but it was clear she was not sure what to do besides trying to contain the chaos from getting worse with keeping the cops out away from her companions.

"I uh Petyr is a bit wound up because Sorcha and I were not expecting him to crash in. But you should be ok if you want to go in. You two have met when we first arrived. I can make a perimeter here to keep those that surrender, tend to any other innocents, and prevent more casualties." At casualties her eyes looked towards the Cops again then back to him as she pulled back clothing to create an opening for Argo. "If they give me trouble then I will just tie the cops up." Once Argos passes her she uses thread to make a warning system for her self as they criss cross over the inside and out towards the cops.
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Sun Mar 19, 2023 11:50 am
Argo leaned his neck to the side a little to hear what Sigird said and gave a smile when she revealed the child she has hidden. That's good, at least there is one who survived, hopefully we can find the others..he thought as he start heading toward the opening that Sigirid gave him. He looked back and she gave a nod that she's got this covered. Soon as he steps in, his nose perks at the chaotic smells whaffing through his nose. His eyes sharpen and taking a deep breath, hee pulls out his gun from the hostler, clicking the saftey off and, hostlering it up and aiming as he slowly walking forward looking left and right to make sure to be ready for any surprise attack. Looking around, h, bullet holes in the wall spattered walls of blood. he sounds of glass cracking under his boots, he slowly starts lowering his gun down as he can see what happenedin here. Lots of bodies on the floor, some of them not even recognizable or well had any part of them left. Soon he passes three guards missing their heads and right as he looks up he sees to a Petyr and Mruff behind leg looking very exhausted. He immediately notices Petyr has his shotgun aiming at someone and it's Ellie. Oh shit he immediately thought he doesn't know her! Seeing as he can tell Petyr is a tad tensed up, he slowly walks forward until Petyr sees him in his field of vision and he just puts up his hands and with firm hand, signals him to lower the shotgun. He says with a calm hushed tone "Easy Petyr she's with us, she's an ally, she's the other person that is helping with this case."

He looks toward Ellie who looks ready to throw down on this big werewolf man, and says softly "Hey good to see you again, he's with us."I guess you two never got properly introduced but we should probably save those introductions for later."

Flickin his hair back and let out a little sigh he says" your heroic ground breaking entrance got the cops jumpy. Sigrid and I managed to buy some time with me coming up with some bullshit Super Hero Force, so let's try to wrap this up as fast as possible so those dumbasses don't come in guns blazing."
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Super heros 1960 - Page 3 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Sat May 06, 2023 5:13 pm
The man swung and hit the side of the container with his fist despite his surprise at being yanked back. But any semblance of control he thought he had with gravity was gone as his guts twisted as gravity shifted under him and he tumbled head over heel as he lost his bearing. He was fast to recover to respond to the threat but not fast enough as he had his pistol in hand but arrows were ready to strike. Getting the Geist of what she wanted he released the weapon and slumped back as he valued his life over the job. Resting on his back, he was startled when she started to cast before relaxing as the sounds of the world flooded back as the pain receded. But with the pointed reminder of the arrows thinking beside him then pulling back he went still again besides small movements of trying to relax his body. At being told she was questioning him he nodded slowly as his eyes remained locked on the arrows.
"Doctors know. Some project abilities." He breathed out all in one breath as he was trying not to make more movement then needed. But when asked about the kids, his shoulders started to move before he swallowed nervously. "Behind the door." As for why Her teammate was taken there was a puzzled inquisitive fearful look. His eyes darted about as he tried to figure out what she meant as his eyes landed in the broken skylight as she said her two companions. "Ah, the beast?" He explored her face to see if he was on the right track. "Told to retrieve and contain the Perte d'actif.Now look for it's current handler. The dark hair girl."
Closing his eyes he kept his hands slightly raised in a plaintive manner in hopes he would be released and not thrown to the monsters below.

Ellie, Petyr, Argus, Mutt
One of the many guys with weapons but few still standing poked out from around hiding only to duck back as his companions were flattened out. He saw the showdown between two clear supers and rather than be splattered took the smarter approach of not getting involved. Those still alive in some manner that was not mauled by Mutt or survived Petyr continued pained moans and sluggish movements to get away from the monster truck and semi-truck of hero that opened up on them.
Meanwhile snapping and growling continued in one of the rooms as silent red light alarms were going off in the hallway around the Door labeled with 4. If the doors open the deformed shaggy canines spring forth as they attack those in their way. As they move forward they stretch far too much and contract more than their bodies look like a fat furry accordion in motion, with razor-sharp nails and jagged teeth.

The cops remained at a distance for the most part not keen on getting wrapped up with supers and looking to stay at a distance for some time.

(Sorry it is short and took so long guys.)
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Super heros 1960 - Page 3 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Sun May 07, 2023 12:09 pm
Sorcha watched with cold eyes as the man reacted to his sudden trip and fall. The normally cheerful young woman merely watched as the arrows pushed the arrows closer till he dropped his weapon. The crows on her shoulders fluttered their wings before one took off to circle the area as he began to answer her questions. It was apparent whoever was in charge of this place knew of Mutt and Sigrid to some degree, but their scouts had failed to dig up more in-depth information. But it became clear to Sorcha if she wanted more information this Doctor was going to have to be found.
Sorcha turned her left palm upward as a small opened up above it as one opened below the discarded gun. As it slipped part way through the portal snapped shut cleanly slicing the gun in half, dropping one half into her hand and leaving the other where he had dropped it. She didn't say anything, just held up the half she had, letting the silent warning hang in the air. Turning she made her way to the broken skylight, only the crow on her shoulder watching him as the blond woman looked down on the carnage.
"Petry, is there a doctor down there? We need find the one in charge for more information. Children are behind the door.", Sorcha called down as she took in the sights.
"Ellie, can you pass through door and check on them."
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Super heros 1960 - Page 3 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Tue May 09, 2023 10:41 am
As the clipboard zipped passed her she formed a shield to cover her in the direction it came from in case they missed any new targets if more was coming and she lowered it enough to see a shotgun for large heroes being leveled at her. Deciding its better to be protected , she wrapped her self in light pulling it around her to protect her vital organs, primary to protect the stone that is more or less part of her direct life line to surviving nowadays. "Whoa Big guy." Holding one hand up and using her hand to direct light to pin down the one that escaped the massive canine. "Heard from the radio the amputee and dog were taken. " She relaxed as the gruff cowboy hero she met briefly clarified they were allies. As there was the assurance that they shouldn't be fighting she breathed out and dismissed the light about her chest. "Sorry I wasn't there to greet you but the Jamoneros at the base only left us with a very narrow window for the most recent kid. And did no follow up on the others So I took the doll and left." She figured time was not the time to explain her actions in full as the light gripped the man she trapped and slid him towards Petyr.

"Also your spider lady tied a man in a lab coat up in the rafters somewhere. And the downed men might have cards to let you into other rooms" Putting a thumb up that she heard Sorsha, she de-materialized as she started towards the room with the flashing lights to look in. Seeing the pack of dogs that looked to of been released from their containers, she moved through the the room but grimaced as the lights were much dimmer in here as she sprinted to the next room as the drain was intense when passing through objects compared to the well lit corridor out side. As she passed through she saw humanoid movement of a man leaving out the back of the room that was protected from the canines. But she knew there were kids in some of the other rooms as her lips perused tightly as she continued through having to let the lab worker leave with victims needing to be found. Hitting the wall on the other side she passed into a brighter room and collected herself as she entered a room. Feeling the ground beneath her feet. she moved lightly as she saw a small bed with a small sleeping figure. But as she got closer she flinched as the child was not fully human any more. Carefully lifting the fluid bags off the medical stand she used light to hold it higher to keep the liquid continuing down as she did not know what it could be doing to or for the kids. Wrapping the child up in the blanket and lifting the changing child she tried hard not to look too hard at the kid. Using light as a crow bar she broke the door locks to get out of the room with the mutated child in her arms. Steeping out of door 3 she called out. "I found a kid and do not open door 4. Door 4 has rabid dogs in there. There may be more kids in the other rooms." Once back near where she opened the door she pulled the card key towards her so she can just enter through the other doors so there isn't a continual drain on her body. Bitting down on the card she tried hard not to think where its been as she carried the to just outside the heavy doors separating the two half of the building.

Laying the child out, she gripped the top of the medical bag to keep it high and found something to hang it on. Making sure the blanket is well in place she hoped that the police do not see the states the kids are in due to if they are so lax on looking for kids then she can only imagine the harsh behavior those men might have with kids. spitting the card out of her mouth she took it in hand to start for other doors.
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Super heros 1960 - Page 3 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Tue May 09, 2023 8:45 pm
Petyr relaxed as Argos explained, and tossed the shotgun back into his storage as Ellie dismissed her shield. His tail wagged a little at Argos' words and his ears flicked in mild amusement, "It was pretty heroic, wasn't it? Not every day I get to revisit my brief career in demolitions." His voice, since he was leaning on his bound spirits to translate for him rather than mangling English himself, was a mellow bass rumble, with no discernible accent, though it was colored with his humorous take on the situation. At least until Sorcha called in, then it became cold and hard, like a frozen lake, "Ah... children, you say?" were Petyr's words knives, you could have cut steel with his tone. He had a soft spot for children, and knowing the same people who had so effectively tormented Mruff had also been doing something to children... the child's bangle from the cringing, tormented creature on the docks shimmered in his mind. "I'll take a look, Sorcha, thanks."

So it was he accepted the unfortunate Ellie presented him with with a firm grip and a sickly sweet tone of voice, "Well hello there friend," hostilities between nations had opened with more kindness, "looks like you're going to be helping me today." He nodded at Ellie's mention of Sigrid's handiwork, and the mention of keycards. "Do you hear that, friend? You're going to be helping me find some keycards. Do you think you can do that for me?" Promises of hypersonic clipboards and teeth danced in the echoes of his question. Bereft of any real options, the guard nodded, not trusting himself to speak.

Petyr gently scooped up Mruff, who now looked like an entirely different kind of crustacean, or possibly a mollusk, and cradled him in one arm as he dragged the unfortunate guard to the room where all the dead and dying personnel were lying about, scattered and broken like toys after a preschool class had been given chocolate covered espresso beans, "You're going to point out anyone here," Petyr said firmly, "who might have a keycard, and you're going to take them off of the dead bodies, or, if they're still alive, you will drag them over here," Petyr indicated a clear patch of floor, and gave the guard his terrifying approximation of a human grin, "If you're quick about it, I can still save them. But," Petyr leaned down, and the guard could count his teeth, which looked bigger than his arm at that point, "If you try to run, or hinder me, or pick up any of those weapons on the ground, you'll never see another day." The certainty with which Petyr said this you could have forged anvils on, and the guard trembled slightly as Petyr stood back up and gave him a pat on the back that staggered him, "go on then."

Satisfied that the man was sufficiently cowed, Petyr watched him move between the bodies for a while, until he looked up and saw the man struggling weakly up amongst the rafters, his lab coat wiggling in the dark like some kind of lure. He was annoyingly just barely out of reach, and he pondered the problem for a minute, then looked down at Mruff in his arm, and an idea struck him. He reached inside himself, towards the formless spirit of Kogari, who writhed with his ever-present urge to please, and let his influence leak into his form. The arm that was not cradling Mruff blurred, and stretched with an eerie oiliness that ended in a long, pincered claw. Petyr hated using this bit, it was so hard to control anatomy he didn't fully understand, but scissors on the end of a really long arm should be easy enough. The end result looked pretty horrifying, with big bone scissors on the end of a hairy parody of his arm, stretched to terrible proportions. It snipped the cloth and the guy fell onto the concrete with a snapping thud that suggested broken bones.
"Damn," Petyr said idly, as his arm snapped back to normal. Behind him the guard trembled a little harder and rooted through the pockets of the dead and dying with renewed vigor, "I was afraid of that." He walked over to the scientist, who was sobbing and clutching at his leg, through which the broken point of a bone protruded. Petyr reached down, and grabbed the man's leg, prompting a scream and a weak attempt to fight him off. "Relax," Petyr commanded firmly, "Or this is going to hurt a lot more." With a jerking motion, Petyr set the man's bone, and he screamed, then stopped.
He had expected to have his limb ripped off, or worse, after what he'd witnessed this monstrosity doing, but suddenly his leg felt... nice. In fact his whole body felt nice. And for a blissful moment, he forgot about his situation. Then Petyr leaned in and snorted, "Alright, friend," Petyr said in a smooth voice, like the sound of velvet pulling across a blade, "Let's talk about what you were doing here. Favor for a favor."
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Super heros 1960 - Page 3 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Wed May 10, 2023 11:45 am
Silently Mutt locked the shells together so he did not have to focus on keeping armored up and protected. His body internally slumped as his strength sloshed back and forth as the others were talking. He could not comprehend this new feeling as he just wanted to close his eyes and stop moving for a while now that he felt relief with Petyr and the others being there being there. Even those he just met breifly. However he kept ready as there briefly. Still enemies were there as he felt growing tightness about his chest despite muscles not moving. There was a short screech at being lifted as his vision tunneled down the hallway past Ellie and his whole body unfurled to strike before clinging to Petyr’s arm as he coiled about it as the shell locks broke. Tightening so he cannot be shaken off he wiggled into the fur the best he could and started to blend his coloring to black just to match his friend's fur color.
He was calm till his fuzzy nest changed and he made upset chirps before settling back down with wiggling against Petyr's body as his body loosened his death grip. He did not like all the changes that were happening that he could not control more then normal as too many new experiances were happening internally for him. Peering out he started to growl deeply as he took in the lab coated human. As he growled what constituted for a lips started to peel back revealing the jagged chitinious edged pink and white blender of a hole in his face. Curling back the flesh it curled back like waving seaweed that was exposed to dry air. The smell of rotting meat seeped out as he continued his threatening display to keep the man away from him despite in protection of Petyr’s arm. One eye rolled about to gauge for any more targets to see if he was safe before starting to shift for an attack like a cat readying to spring on a mouse. His coiled body, mollass slow, loosened and started to gather under him as he has valuated he can kill this one if they get closer.
Zincks (Admin)
Zincks (Admin)
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Super heros 1960 - Page 3 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Wed May 10, 2023 6:18 pm
Sigrid was bored but keeping a premiter was important to keep the cops safe from the others. She heard the short scream behind her as she turned her head slightly to try to make out what was happening in a glance before looking back outwards. As she tried to gauge if the cops heard anything she relaxed slightly as they appeared to be too far.
She turned her head as she heard noise behind her as Ellie placed the child near her and waited for her to finish to wrap up the child with her own layer incase they are explosive or aggressive if they were to wake up. Noting she kept the iv in the child she frowned and wondered what she was doing with not removing it unless it was ment to be fluids. Going through the risks of pulling it out vs leaving it in, teeth nipped her lip as thought with what little medical knowlage she knew due to her own surgeries in the past. Maybe it was better as it could be pain killers if the child was hurting and she didn't see under the blanket. Turning her focuse outwards again she shifted slightly with unease. Seeing there isn't more screaming or fighting noises she can only hope they have everything under control.
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Super heros 1960 - Page 3 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Sat Jul 29, 2023 1:10 pm

The man behind her kept his heads up even with her back turned towards him but his eyes started to rove around. Swiftly the need to move his head to look at what was around him took over as he felt more confident with her eyes off him. There was a moment of his hands drooping as if to reposition himself as they dipped down till the faintest scent of rot caught on the wind. He turned to look the way the wind was blowing before slumping as his skin paled. The soft thump of his arms hitting the roof, and advance decay catching the wind, was all the indication Sorcha got before his skin started to deflate and a pool of corpse rot pooled under him. Eyes sinking in to the dark caverns of his eye sockets rapidly was the clearest indication the man was no longer with them.
No hint of magic, or other smells rode the wind as she looked about. Only the faintest flicker of movement could be detected at the edge of the roof before it was gone.

As a few more kids are located and moved. Most bearing many changes to their bodies ranging from alien limbs to strangely colored features she meets little opposition now as the area is silent besides the soft thrum of medical devices and the electricity moving through the walls. As the last child she could locate was being removed from their room a ice burn searing cold brushed through her leg as she moved for only a moment as the skin darkened in a palm bruise shape and a small delicate card falls to the ground off her calf where the burning cold radiates and fades after a few seconds. All that she could make out was a retreating ghostly hand through the floor.
Upon the card is written "Do Not interFere with our woRk agAin ChildrEn"

Petyr, Mutt
The guard had no complaints as he stumbled to the breath taking thump from the massive wolfman. Coughing as he struggled to get breath in this lungs again he obeyed to the best of his capability. Hands feverishly pulled at his once living coworkers or dying co workers, his breathing became more unsteady and rapid as he was not ready to be looking at faces he knew. And from the awfulness behind him emitting from the beast they caught that was now held like a beloved child in the man who held his life in their claws.

The scientist started to splutter and roll over his own ability to speak as he worked to get his words out for who just saved and threatened him. "I onlyworkhere and geget paid for this. This place is looking forregenerative repairandcreation ofbatchheros.thatsalliknow. keep AB whatever its numberawayfromme." Eyes bulging out of his head as his eyes are locked on to Mutt as he pulls himself away from them. "Ineverworkedonit. They Theywantits femalehandlerthatits found itwith. Oorders togetherhasgoneout. Itsnotmydepartment. The AB Beast wasnever mydepartment. They wanted to know ifitcouldhealinjuries beforesomeonlostit. Itwasastandingobjective." He continued to spill out whatever Petyr asked of him and more if it was tangential related or known by the man that seemed like it would save his life from being turned to a meal.

As kids are being brought out the men who were held at bay by Argo's warning started to make calls. Soon the sirens of ambulances started in the distance getting closer. With something perceived to do and not minding the man who had more of a hold on the situation. One cop was sent forward to speak to Sigrid. A much softer yet firm tone is taken as he states. "We will take the children to the ambulances and process them when the medics get here." As he finishes his eyes focuse on something behind her before he takes a few steps back. As she turns about there is nothing there as the cops collects himself as he seemed momentarily embarrassed at seeing what was not there.
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Super heros 1960 - Page 3 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Tue Aug 22, 2023 8:15 pm
Sorcha watched from above as the blood bath slowed and came to a stop below her. She gently rubbed the around her all black eye as she kept up the link to all her crows and what they were seeing.
A pained look crossed her face briefly as she saw the altered ones through her crow's eyes. It wasn't a sight she was unfamiliar with, those that ended up as good in the goblin market could have almost anything happen to them, but it saddened her to see it happen to children. Still, the children were found, now the healing could begin for them.
She shifted her weight as she watched Petyr talking to the people, he had kept alive after the madness had calmed down. She was about to turn to send her own captive back for him to answer Petyr when the faint wiff of rot drifted on the wind.
Frowning she looked around and shrugged it off. These cities had all sorts of terrible smells, so it was out of her mind but once the man slumped over, she pivoted in alarm. She was by his side and kneeling in a heartbeat as she began to look him over.
"Blin!", she swore as she took in the man before looking about her.
"No magic near... Curse or hex.", she muttered as she set her crows to circle around the building in an outward pattern to see if there was anyone set up to cast from a distance. With a flick of her wrist, she opened a portal under the corpse and let it fall off to the right of the group below.
"Petyr, some'ing kill my captive. Did not see anything around me or feel any magic. I will be scouting.", she said before the portal closed and the crow that had guided him to this location settled on shoulder to keep a link to the group that were still in the building.
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Super heros 1960 - Page 3 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Tue Dec 12, 2023 1:44 pm
A sharp squeal escaped Ellie as the clammy hand gripped her leg from who knows where. Eyes darted down swiftly and caught the and retracting back into the floor as she sharply covered her legs in light leg guards as she saw the card flutter to the ground. using light to scoop up the card she dumps it on the kid as she gets to where the others are and sets them down carefully. plucking up the card she looks at it to read the message before getting the Boy's attention. "Looks like we ruined someone's night for rescuing the... dog. But it looks like we solved part of the problem early. "Holding up the card for Petyr, she removed the light leg guard to examine her own leg as worry is there as she looks over the bruising on the exposed leg. "And there might be another super about. One that can attack through walls and floors."
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