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Super heros 1960

Zincks (Admin)
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Zincks (Admin)
Zincks (Admin)
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Age : 34

Super heros 1960 - Page 2 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Tue Sep 27, 2022 12:22 pm
Sigrid listened as she was reaching out to feel for any threads or fabric materials that felt out of place besides whatever Mutt just tossed and she tensed as she saw Mutt dealing with some sort of Muzzle. Swiftly she tapped her emblem on her breast to indicate to the other super she was with them as Mutt was in his state of calculating what else to do since he was surprised but there was no pain. Then she heard she was called a child, Argo's child causing a break in her silent search. Looking back at Argo and then back at this cabaret dancer looking super she pulled her own coat about her uneasily. Blinking she thought she saw something out of place on him as she rubbed an eye and blinked at him. turning back to defend her age of maturity to be at least an adult she paused as this woman was so self-assured in herself. Shifting slightly to be at ease so she didn't have to think about the strings she relaxed her stance with only her limbs.

"I am not a child. Mr. Argo is this one of your other companions?" She paused as she felt the doll in the woman's arms move she focused on the toy as she could not make much out besides the blob form in her senses. Her eyes followed the studded animal as it was set down and it moved. surprised she looked up at Argo and the other woman as she had a questioning look until Mutt exploded in activity.

"Mruff! No Stop!" Moving she grabbed one of his ears to pull back on as he invaded the bag to take something and started to flee. Digging her feet into the ground she winced in pain as the leg prothetics shifted slightly. There was little she can do to actually stop Mruff once he decided something as she was forced to let go as he started to open and go through the window. Stumbling back she was going to apologize but swiftly shifted a squeak as Mutt grabbed her. "I am Sorry he is- eep - We will be back!" She managed to get out before being pulled through the window. Missing the start of Petyr's words on the radio.

Using cloth she snapped onto Mruff's muzzle and pulled herself to his front limbs so she can ride him easily and keep a look out for him as she shivered in the cold wind from him galloping. "Mutt we have to go back. Give back whatever you took." Using the cloth to provide warmer clothing she focused on keeping her core warm as she kept a tight grip on her reins. Reading the street names and taking in her surroundings, she made sure she could lead Mutt back or at least back to base as she felt the files against her chest where she strapped hers so she could try to keep up with everything. Slumping, she silently lamented that things were going poorly with meeting the new supers due to Mutt's general behavior. But Mutt got something in his head and wanted to follow up on it as he just brought her along for the ride. Sighing she supposed it was better than him dragging them through the forest like her meeting with him cause he was starving. But still aggravating since she still didn't know why he seemed leery of Argo.

She will get the Radio she had Mutt carry off him at some point to contact the others and let them know where they got off too. Her teeth chattered softly as she was along for the ride and she knew better than to try to even control Mutt as he long since demonstrated he will not be lead by reins and bit but will tolerate them in his mouth. Pulling on his tail she tried to get him to let go before giving up. She knew she couldn't stop him unless she started to harm him and if she hurt him then she wasn't all to sure what he would do to her.
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Super heros 1960 - Page 2 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Wed Sep 28, 2022 12:35 pm
As Kisa was set down she responded with a "I'm fine the ouch was a reflex, and I didn't actually feel is as much as I was startled"

As she watched the mutant looking dog escape out the window she relized a vile was missing from Ellie's bag.
"Ellie the dog thing took something g from. Your bag" she said as she realized that they had just been left with the weird old dude that she has seen here and there but she never worked with.

"Anyway, I have seen you on base maybe once or twice. Who are you and why are you here? We have this scene covered." As she said this Kisa went to grab the papers she found under the bed then proceeded to hand them over to Ellie
"I found these under the bed next to the wall. They look kinda odd. But maybe this kid drew what he saw."

As she let them look at the drawing she fiddled with a small com unit to request her "Body" as she was not going to take her chances with weirdos and her in this small body. She wasn't sure how well they would get along. Also she hated being Tiny.
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Age : 39

Super heros 1960 - Page 2 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Wed Sep 28, 2022 1:35 pm
Argo was breathing rapidly as activating his eye took a little toll. His ears were ringing for a bit and his heart beat went rapid for a second. After 10 seconds or so the ringing stops and he manages  to slow down his breath. His eyes back in focus as he looks around the room seeing this.. peculiar supe who has a small cat body in her hand and Mutt being pushed near the window. He hears her call Sigird a daughter and sorta frowns at the idea. "She ain't my daughter. She looks like she just told you herself she's a supe with that emblem." Before he could say anything further  he seems Mutt wrestle away from Ellie and jump out the window. All he heard was the distance of Sigird saying we will be right back... "Sigh this why I work alone because everyone goes off to do their own fucking thing." He pulls out a cigarette to soothe the annoyance. "As for you, watch your tone with that questioning around me. It was Sigird, the girl who just got dragged off by her mutt , who suggested we touch base with the people who live here to get any possible clues of the missing kids."

"I was expecting you two would be around but not in this house but life is full of surprises ain't it.. Also you may have this covered but nothing wrong with having more people.. well before they jumped out the fucking window.  So"...before he could say anything, he  heard the crackle of Petry's voice coming thru the raido? Alll other bunnies, report your status. Over. Bunnies? Oh he's having a laugh, he chuckles a bit. He slowly gets on his knee, letting out a grunt as the weary bones start to show their age on.him.. Clearing his throat,  he goes "Bunny reporting in. Status is your other bunnies when to see if they can go chase the big bad wolf himself or having a nice lesirurely stroll at night. I am here and I have met the other two supes here. Over."
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Super heros 1960 - Page 2 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Wed Sep 28, 2022 9:58 pm
“That is a question for the local police.” Wilhelm said simply with exhaustion in his voice. “But assume most were marked as runnaways by the cops due to economic status or race. We are still going through the files we were given looking for other reports or followups that match the latest case. However there are some of more notably well off families but the child was marked as a runaway.”

When asked about the weird trend There was a simple shrug as he said, “Maybe there is something special about age to the villain? And there are plenty of places you can hide a body. The projects, forest, lake, pig farms.” Others in the room looked at him before the Agent shrugged and offered no more details why he would suggest those. The poor soul who had the raido was working hard to set up a speaker to adapt to the large wolf.

It was instant foul tasting expression from Agent Wilhelm when he heard the Thread user and the dog that kept trying to smile at him went off doing something else and already having issues staying with Argo. But he was wise enough to keep his opinions to himself as he started looking through one of the stacks of files they were given by the cops

Mutt and Sigrid

(proably 20 minutes so others can post more if you two are willing to wait a bit)

As Mutt continued along he circled about back east towards North Cabbagetown as the scent lead him into the heart of thenegiborhoods that were in need of building maintenance. People got out of his way but they seemed sparse about the areas as they all seemed to be staying in with the colder nights approaching. Those that saw them avoided the street they were on and turned down other streets to avoid them as they walked down. And this continued for some time with avoidance and not wanting to cross Mutt’s path. But the smell started to increase around this negiborhood as he trotted along.

Sigrid could absolutely see people were watching her and indicating she should try to snapp Mutt’s hold on her as they indicated the tail with a snapping motion about their waist. The people seemed very uneasy and became less and less te further they were traveling. As they wandered down and the smell started to be muddled by the amount a truck started following with their lights off before stoping on the side as a car passed. The it would continue following slowly behind them as they continued, keeping pace at 10 car lengths back.

The creeping car continued for some time till Mutt was much slower. But it wasnt a problem as Mutt was wandering into a drive way when a car peeled out from another street to slam into Mutt into the durable garage door. The car jolted to a stop as the person got out with their buddy. There was just a cock of a shot gun and a blinding flash with a explosion sounded out the person was swiftly pumping and shot again. Pellets hit and sank into Mutt as the chemical beads penetrated and oozed out into Mutt bypassing Biology to paralize the massive hero. For Mutt pain exploded into his side as the car hit him sending him into the garage door to keep him pinned. Before he could even recover they were opening fire with a weapon that his healing process was failing to adapt to or heal normally from as his body started not to respond to his unconscious wants. But it took time as three more shots were fired into him. Soon he found he could not change to his body as he felt exhausted as his cells became inert and became ridged as he became a useless mass besides his slow breathing as the wounds remained open but unbleeding. Slowly his shape resumed his more comfortable shape, loosing the more dog shape, as the doors shut behind him.

As Sigrid got up, the truck that was following flashed on their lights blinding her as strange translucent humanoid flowed over toward her reaching out for her. As her cloth struck the creatures the surface of their ‘skin’ closed up much like a cut to bit of jello would close back as soon as the invading object was removed. They moved to attack her and get between her and the suffering Mutt as they slapped their own limbs out as they stretched out like Sticky hands before snapping back as they failed to land their clumsy strikes. As she was dealing with the goo people the truck continued to move to get near Mutt as the back opened up and people started to tie chains to the Still form of her dear companion. She could hear one say “Charger la bête.Le médecin sera ravi de revoir son animal de compagnie.” Soon they were using a wench to pull him into the back of the truck before snapping it all closed . “Et la fille?” “hmmm…quitte la. Trop de problèmes” Leaving her with the goo creatures as the truck speed off, leaving her alone without who started this wayward quest of tracking. The door the car hit showed slight grey on the door where paint was scrapped off and was bent in but not broken or splintered in any way.


As she got closer she can see some of the Dock workers were holding the thing down as others were starting to poke at it as it just sucked onto their tools but no longer moved. The thing kept mostly its humanoid shape as it was like amber colored tree sap as it still was soft and oozing out of the tree. The legs seemed thicker then the rest of its body as she could make out a distorted skeleton that looked as if someone pulled it to make it thinner but very fragile. On her approach one of the guys elbowed his buddies as they parted to turn to face her and there were mutters before shushing to shut up as its a super. Uneasy one of them spoke up. In a gruff voice as he pulled out a cigarette and offered her one. “Hello there officer. Is there something we can help you with?” when her eyes remotely drifted over to the thing they were holding down even if it might be dead, the men in the way stepped out of her way.
“Sorry Miss. We didnt know you were looking for this. But it was hiding in a warehouse.” They shifted their flash lights to look past her as well as kept on the creature itself as a set of small green solid jade bracelets shimmered about an arm bone. It seemed like it has some solid nature to it as the tools they were using wouldn't sink into the strange translucent amber body of the thing they found. The burly men anxiously looked at her then back at the warehouses as they wanted to get back to work as this was slowing their job down.

“Jacob, Finn you can assist the Super however she needs.” Jabbing his finger towards two of the guys holding poles on the still body, they nod unsurely and hand off their poles to a different set of guys before the man who was speaking started barking at those that can get away to get back to work. The pair that were told to assist her shifted uneasily as they looked at their buddies who were heading off back to work before strightening up and dusting off invisible dirt with their greasy hands. Smoothing back their hair they tried to look acceptable for her as they clearly didn't know how to respond to her.

On the radio there was the confirmation Kisa’s body will be at the docks when she got there.
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Join date : 2021-10-22

Super heros 1960 - Page 2 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Thu Sep 29, 2022 3:45 pm
Sorcha was quick to find a door she could use to slip between and close the distance to the docks quickly. As she exited she unbuttoned her coat to show the emblem on her brestpocket of her shirt.
"Dobryy vecher gentlemen. ", she said as she walked up to them with a pleasant smile on her face.
As her gaze shifted to the goop, she inclined her head in thanks as they stepped aside to allow her access the body.
"Da, we have been looking into much strange happening.", she said as she reached into an inner pocket and pulled at one of her vials. She popped it open and pulled out a red translucent blueberrie.
"Found in wear house? ", she asked to confirm what she was told as she looked past the man towards the building in question. With a mental command she sent a crow into the wear house once it was confirmed.
Popping the berry into her mouth she held it carefully in her cheek, feeling the warmth of the goblin fruit, before kneeling closer to look at the skeleton and the braclets it wore.
"Thank you, help be appreciated.", she said standing up and turning to face the two men that were left to help her. She opened her mouth to say something before she closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose as the crow at the latest lost kids house sent the images of Mutt jumping out the window with Sigrid wrapped in his tail.
"Pechal' vo blago.... Mutt what got in your mind now?", she muttered as she turned to Finn and Jacob.
"Please, if you pull it out all way. So it lay flat, thank you.", she said as she excused herself and pulled out the walkie-talkie.
"Bbb, Hot dog jus jump out window with Sauerkraut. Sending a crow wit dem. Sending diffrent one to check on Argo if he no respond. ", Sorcha said as she sent the crow that had been circling the house to follow Mutt and Sigrid well directing a diffrent one to the house to make sure Argo was okay.
"Also need solid box for body. Thing is also very guppy slime but has skeleton at core.", she said before turning back to the men to see how they were doing with laying the body out fully.
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Super heros 1960 - Page 2 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Thu Sep 29, 2022 5:05 pm
Ellie had a moment of feeling dumb as she realized she just Insulted one of the other heros by calling her a child. But her attention shifted to Mutt's responce to dealing with her light as she shuddered as the face unfolded and reformed
She shifted to get out of the way as the dog thing became very forward and swiftly gave up on protecting her bag as it went in and snapped up something.

Then the dumb beast took off out the window and took the small woman with it as her expression was one of several shock and confusion with how impatient the other heros
from Australia were even if they were fighting the time. She hardly got to talk to them as she dropped her shield about the doll. Looking down as the doll stated the obvious she rolled her eyes and gave Argo a sulking look of 'can you belive this bullshit.'

Kneeling she carefully picked up the drawings as Argo spoke as her eyes only broke to take the papers from Kisa. Up till the radio crackled with one short reply then a voice she never heard before. "Bunnies?" She mumbled under breath before tuning in to what was being said. Sighing as she looked about the room as they were being asked to go some where else she sighed as she started to collect the nail in the desk and the art of the monsters to put it in her back pack. Sliping the weird nail into a vial she grimaced as the tucked it away and put the papers in the hard file she had in her bag. Seeing her other vials were missing she gave a deep sigh as her work was gone.

Waiting for him to finish speaking into the radio she started to speak."This seemed like the place I would get the most fresh information without the other heros. Who just ate evidence. Great." Breathing out as realizations passed over her she placed her hands on her hips. "Well I guess tis best we stay together since half the aussies can't seem to grasp that concept. Can you ask if we should head to the docks? Cause I think the Mutt just fucked the foot prints up. Unless you are a superb hunter."

Reaching down for Kisa, she let the other grab onto her hand to be lifted up if thats what she wanted. she frowned at why are you here comment before saying the most logical thought process. "Because he was probably going to figure out what we wanted to do but looks like us Canadian supers got to stay together cause the half the Aussies are locos."
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Super heros 1960 - Page 2 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Fri Sep 30, 2022 10:55 am
Petyr waited patiently for the technician to finish setting up his larger intercom, while he listened to both Wilhelm and the reports coming through. Argo had touched base with the others, and he had heard the voices of the other supers calling in, all reporting roughly the same thing: Mruff had apparently dragged Sigrid out a window chasing something or someone. He was about to respond, when Sorcha's call came in. He gestured to the radio technician, who had just gotten the oversized button to work on the microphone, and the speaker hooked up to the radio, "Borscht," Petyr said with all seriousness, "you said it has a skeleton at its core? Over." Petyr thought hard about what that could be, and settled tentatively on some kind of undead, "use caution, and assume it's still potent until it's disassembled, over." Petyr gave Agent Wilhelm a serious look, "Agent," Petyr's voice floated out mellifluously, "it sounds like one of our members has a captive, if you would be so kind as to put a recovery team together for the guest we have, we might just have more insight as to what we're dealing with." Petyr was mildly pandering to Agent Wilhelm's undoubtedly injured pride, both as an attempt to soothe him, and to give the impression that he valued procedure, though the latter might be too little, too late.

He wasn't too concerned with Sigrid and Mruff going out the window. Mruff often defenstrated himself, as a window was often the easiest opening to escape through, and he trusted him to keep Sigrid safe. Well, reasonably safe. It was a little concerning that he hadn't heard anything since the call out, aside from others' reports, but he knew that they knew how to cover each other.

At Ellie's words, Petyr responded in a mollifying tone, "This is Big Bad Wolf calling in to reassure the team that Hot Dog may be a little jumpy, but there's no better tracker, over." Petyr knew Mruff was pretty much an apex predator, and so far not much had hurt him too badly. There had of course been the incident with Hans, and the unpleasantness in the Japanese territories, but surely such things were few and far between.

"Big Bad Wolf here," Petyr continued, "Borscht will need assistance until the recovery team arrives, over. The suspects might not want their aspic stolen, assume they'll attempt to intercept, over." Petyr was perhaps being overcautious, but things were progressing very quickly now, "Any bunnies near the docks, move to support if you can, and be wary. If you're overwhelmed, call back to the burrow and a team will be dispatched, over."

Petyr thought hard about what he'd have to do if support was needed. He could abandon the more support-oriented spirits he had bound, and go for full offense, but that may make the perpetrators go to ground even harder and deeper, which would make winkling them out difficult. If he needed to go out, there was every likelihood that people would be injured, so healing was a must, but he also needed versatility to deal with any unforeseen circumstances. As he pondered about this, he took a sheet of paper, on which the words 'goopy skeleton' appeared, and he very carefully pinned it to the cork board.
Then, with some deliberation, he clicked the radio on again, "Big Bad Wolf calling Sauerkraut and Hot Dog, report in, over." Petyr had a bad feeling about this.
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Super heros 1960 - Page 2 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Fri Sep 30, 2022 3:27 pm
Mutt feeling the radio vibrate in him slowly pushed it out his back so Sigrid can respond as he heard his food name which he rummbled in annoyance as he wanted one name not new strange names. Slowing down slightly he kept his sniffing up as he wasn't listening in untill bothered, "Scent following. Took copies can follow." He stated as he trotted along.

When the car peeled out his head snapped up before the truck collided with him. His immediate responce was to release Sigrid and to toss her up to avoid damage giving up his ablity to get out of the way of the collision. Yelping as the ton of metal hit him as he was carried a few feet before planting himself as he pushed back on the truck. Blood filled his mouth before being reabsorbed as he made the body stronger and more durable. Melting back into his normal form he roared as his maw peeled back in unfolding bone and teeth laden meat tenticals.  Bracing himself his head looked at who was in the seat driving as he formed a pointed hook to shoot out as it hit the windshield before pulling back as he shot it out again aiming for the driver to ease off the need to brake to keep it from hitting a house on his other side.

And he was unaware of the person coming up behind him till there was the shot that ripped through his hind quarters. A whisling snarl escaped him as his back legs went down for a moment before rising again as the car went over his lower back. As it rolled off he twisted about only to get more shots to his side and torso as panic was setting in as things were not acting as normal. His body was failing him as he worked at closing his wounds but the muscles were starting to lock up. Digging into genetics to bring up armor his body refused to move as the snarling was becoming frighten clicking whistles. His back legs couldn't move any more as the muscles would not constrict. Balling his head into his chest to protect it his skull as most mammals would would Terror spiked through him as his whisling became the most awful noise of Tasmanian devils he could make as his front legs gave out under his weight and relaxing muscles.  

Small bits of him dropped off as it was necroizing from the damage he received and was shedding the material to keep himself healthy. As he was strapped into the car he just started low short whines as his eyes watered. He didnt know what was happening in but these humans did something so he could not move his body despite screaming at it to twitch. Slowly his eyes moved as if weights were tied to the eyes and it was taking a monumental effort to move just that much as he watched the humans in the bed with him with maddening terror. When a warm hand touched his side, out of view, he breathed out and fought breathing in again for sometime before it started to rise yet again. And it felt like eons to each stop of the truck or touch the humans gave on checking on him. 
Zincks (Admin)
Zincks (Admin)
Posts : 28
Join date : 2019-04-14
Age : 34

Super heros 1960 - Page 2 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Fri Sep 30, 2022 8:27 pm
Sigrid stopped looking about as she continued the short shivering as she looked down as MUtt pushed out the Radio. Making a face she scrunched her nose before pulling out the headphones that were disturbingly dry. "Ja? Mruff is following some scent and won't listen. He is in a mood and was rummaging through bags again Heading East at this time." Sighing she stared off before saying over.

Future 20 minutes later:
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Super heros 1960 - Page 2 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Sat Oct 01, 2022 8:22 pm

"I guess," was all Kisa said they discussed going to the docks she then took the offer hand that Ellie offered
"Thank you my Body will be at the docks then you won't have to Carry me" she said as she sat on Ellie's shoulder. Looking at Argo Kisa asked

"So big guy is your ride still outside as you heard we need to go to the docks now and as for your friends, I am sure a recovery team will be sent out to figure out why the dog thing ran off on the job and took the little one with it."
If Kisa had been in her body she probably would have flipped her long blonde braid over her shoulder as she had a slight sassy voice as she sounded annoyed that Ellie's hard work just went out the window and now they were being yanked off this lead to go to the docks to look at some goop, or whatever. That didn't sound present. Oh well at least she would be more help in her body.
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Super heros 1960 - Page 2 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Wed Oct 05, 2022 9:05 pm
There was a moment of a paper spine before it folded as Wilhelm gave orders to send a large box to the docks at a member who already got the news from Petyr’s word. It was clear they were only giving him mild control as they were anxious not to stop moving as he snapped out what he wanted.the men to their credit prepared as if there would be an injured captive, means to restrain someone despite assurances its not moving, and armed men just in case as they load up a large shipping box and caulking the holes to make a seal container. Loading up swiftly they did not let the interference of the poorly leading agent they started off.

The men shifted the unmoving gel like creature about splayed it out for Sorsha as they asked to do. "Yes we found it in the back of a wearhouse… hiding we think." They gathered she only wanted to hear what they new and not her missing about something named Mutt. As they moved it it seemed like the half inch seems to be goop but there was a stronger solid translucent material around the skeleton. "It didn't seem to want to come out till we made it. Greg accidently smashed it with moving crates about we think. "

Finn muttered under his breath, "don't think it meant harm, just spooked it I think." Ay looking at him there was some wet marks about the straps of his overalls and shirt.

The bracelets appeared like those that came from the south east of her forest. Much like the Chinese women that followed some of the soldiers during the war. They were made of solid  jade and slowly shifted in the goop to rest against each other as the creature was moved about. 

When the crow dipped in there was a clear slime trail from the back. It appeared there was weird wet marks on the crates to where they must have pulled it out as the other marks on the crates looked to be much smaller rather than the initial spot. It looked like whatever the creature was tucked itself in a space behind creates in the darkness where it must've squeezed into to conceal itself till the men must of  pulled out a pallet of boxes out, revealing where it was.when the crow ducks in it looks like it was pressed up against the back of the boxes at some point.

Ellie and Kisa

Argo tilted his hat and gruffly excused himself to track the prints as they were still fresh even if Mutt ruined the start. The dirt and foot steps was easy enough to see while Ellie and Kisa got a ride with the truck down to the docks. They arrive about the same time as the requested box and body bag to contain the goopy body
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Super heros 1960 - Page 2 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Thu Oct 06, 2022 2:50 pm
As the body was laid out, Sorcha came over and knelt next to it as she examined the braclet as it tickled her memory. Popping the quiver open she slipped an arrow free and used it to gently shift the braclet about to get a clearer look at it. She tilted her head as she looked the body up and down judging the size as she tried to recall if any of the missing children were Chinese.
"Think it hiding? Could be, evry chance.", Sorch mused as the crow on her shoulder fixed Finn with a look.
"Thank you both for help, very greatful.", Sorcha said as she stood up and dusted her pants as she turned to the two man.
"People be here soon to pack up. Finn, da? If you could stay to help direct truck be helpful. Jacob thank again for help, do not want to keep you from work.", she said with a smile as she bobbed her head in thanks. Once Jacob was off Sorch turned towards Finn as he seemed upset.
"You not one of the men who were first fishing the body out. Did it attack when it was running? You have lill something there.", she asked as gestured to the wet smear spots on his clothes.
She gave him the soft encouraging smile her Grandfather used when he want to put people at easy and encouraged them to speak. Of all the people around the body, only Finn seemed bothered by what happened. If there was a chance he knew more about all this, she rather him offer the information on his own then try to pull it out of him.
As the truck carrying Ellie and Kisa rumbled along the crow following them landed on the roof as they neared the docks. Once it got closer it hopped off and started cawing at the two to show them way to where Sorcha and the body.
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Join date : 2022-09-15

Super heros 1960 - Page 2 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Fri Oct 07, 2022 11:17 am
Ellie squinted up at the crow as it was cawing at her as it seemed fairly late for the bird to be active. So she could only assume that the crow was connected to another hero as she started to follow it. Unsure of when the doll spirit was going to jump bodies she carefully cradled the cat plush in her arm.
Swiftly she found the blond Russian who dismissed a guy and was talking to another she half waved to indicate she was here and registered the other super there. Seeing the other was checking out the bracelet she did a soft back light to it so what ever the other is looking for can be clearer. Caerfully she used hard light to cradle the limb so any observation can be easier. And as the outside gooped over it stopped as it hit the other part of the body as the light lit up the solid shape inside the goopy material.
Not wanting to interupt the other she made a hard light platform under the body. To reveal anything more to the body and to lighten the area with a soft glow. Frowning her brow furrowed as she the light outlined the solid form as it was humanoid. The light showed 5 fingers in the club hand and toes past just the skeleton. And the skeleton seemed so thin as the light highlighted where the marrow was super thin. As soon as Sorcha indicated she was done with the body, Ellie used the platform to lift and gently set it in the container the guys brought out.
Flexing the light around the lamps she swiftly found the trail the creature left as it glowed slightly in the black light. Keeping it highlighted she returned the spectrum of light to normal so Kisa had a trail to look over.
If Kisa needed any light she formed a small orb to follow her as long as Ellie could see her.

As soon as Sorsha was free she introduced her self. "I'm Ellie of the Canadian branch and the other with me is Kisa." Checking the stuffed animal to see if it was still inhabited she indicated the proper body that Kisa was in. "Argo was going to follow some tracks he found so we are here to assist."
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Super heros 1960 - Page 2 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Sat Oct 08, 2022 12:02 pm
Petyr acknowledged Sigrid and Mruff's reports, and made some marks on the map indicating their projected positions. East was away from the docks, but he trusted his mutant companion's tracking ability, and he trusted Sigrid to help keep him out of trouble.
Petyr pondered. It was one of the things he was good at, being a ponderous person, but occasionally it caused him to overthink. He stared at all the connected evidence he had: missing children, signs of a struggle, goop and tool marks on the windowsills, goopy skeletons, in boxes, a bracelet...
"Anyone know what the bracelet could mean?" Petyr asked the room in general, "It seems out of place."
There was silence, then one of the office workers that had been collating the reports piped up, "Kinda looks like one of those bangles the Chinese put on their kids." There was a collective intake of breath as Petyr's ears flicked in his direction, and he slowly turned to face the man. He was about 38 or so, with neat brown hair, a tan complexion, brown eyes, and a roundness to his face and body that suggested extensive desk-work, even through the protective layer of clothing. Working with supers had sounded exciting, but it had turned out a lot of it involved paperwork, and he had gravitated to a life not of excitement and danger, but of reports, filing, and general office mundanity. He had worked in this office for over a decade, and was considering retiring withing the next seven years, and that thought hung over him as the large wolf looked at him expectantly. "S-some," the man pulled himself together and stood up a little straighter, "some of the Chinese put bracelets on their children, some kind of folk tradition or something." There was a general rolling of eyes, and muttering, but Petyr's gaze didn't waver, "It's uh," the man continued, spurred on by a mixture of pride, embarrassment, fear, and a little resentment, "it's supposed to protect the child from hardship, and guarantee prosperity, I heard."

Petyr digested this, and after a moment, he asked, "What's your name?"
"Thomas," Thomas answered honestly, if nervously, "Thomas Williamson," He was really hoping this wasn't leading to some kind of punishment for Wasting A Super's Time With Stupid Ideas, "It was just a thought sir," he continued quickly, "It's probably not-"
"Someone get my new temporary assistant Thomas a chair," Petyr directed broadly, before indicating the pile of reports, "Break up his workload to the others, and someone brew a pot of coffee." After a moment he added, "And probably another one for the rest of you."
As the grumbling and bustle of sudden change and paperwork rose again, Petyr asked Thomas more quietly, "Would there be any kind of personal marking? Anything to attach a name to a bracelet?"
"No sir," Thomas answered honestly. Nervousness at the proximity of a two ton super and the heat of the room was making him rapidly damp, he hoped he wouldn't leave a sweat mark on the leather office chair he'd been brought, "usually it's just a band of jade, it breaks whenever they grow out of it. It's part of the charm, I heard,"
"Are there any local jade veins?" Petyr asked another intern, "Anything we can use to trace this?" There was a general rise in the bustle of the room, until it came back that while there were indeed jade veins in the country, near 'British Colombia', it would be impossible to trace anything like a small bracelet. Petyr nodded, and added more notes to the board. "And has anyone heard from the Chinese in this city if there had been any children missing? Anyone who might recognize this?"

There was a delicate silence, broken only by the arrival of a full pot of coffee for Petyr, and a general distribution of bean-based stimulants to the rest of the room, until Thomas coughed, "Well uh, no one really... they stay in Chinatown, and they don't really..." Thomas looked nervous and wretched, but Petyr could figure it out. To him, one human was much like another, their skin tones just a variation on the endless monotony of flat faces and sweaty, hairless bodies. Ethnic prejudices were still present in Gaia of course, but here they seemed to be much more simple, and vicious, with many treating such subtle differences as facial structure, skin tone, and eye or hair color as something that marks a human as a different species, to be treated as the Other.
"So, we have a bracelet belonging to someone who the city authorities will write off," Petyr said in a low, steady tone, "a child," he added, there was some uncomfortable shifting in the back as he continued, "wedged in some kind of gel creature with a human skeleton in it, that had been in a warehouse." There were some murmurs of assent that this seemed to be the case, "The workers said it was hiding," Petyr continued, "Perhaps it had escaped..."
"Or it was scared," Thomas said thoughtfully, "and trying to get home. Chinatown's pretty close to those docks." Thomas sipped his coffee. It was still the terrible office kind: the sort you could use to dissolve a body in, but strong enough to keep you up through the night in one way or another, "if it is one of the missing kids, that is."
Petyr nodded, thinking this was the first person to treat any of the other kids as real people. He decided he liked Thomas, and made a mental note to do something nice for him later. He looked over the information he had, which was entirely too little, and the questions that needed answers, which were entirely too numerous. And yet, everything was forming a pattern, he felt, just one too big for him to grasp fully, "Someone get a Chinese translator," Petyr said after a moment, "Maybe that kid can still talk, or communicate somehow. Once the team gets our goopy friend here, if he's alive, put him someplace watertight, and prep for questioning."
Petyr gave Thomas a thumbs-up, and then reached over to trigger the radio, "Big Bad Wolf, calling Borscht," Petyr's tail wagged as he spoke the name, despite the seriousness of the situation, "Borscht, give me an update on our gelatinous friend, does he seem responsive? Over."
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Super heros 1960 - Page 2 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Sun Oct 09, 2022 11:14 pm
As they got to the dock Kisa let Ellie take her to where the strange crow was leading them.
"I will collect my cat in just a few minutes", Kisa told Ellie in a strong Venisualin accent as the eyes of the doll turned back to the white buttons they were when the cat was not in use.

As she let her spirit step out of the doll she walked through the side of the truck that held the special box that hid her "normal" use body.

As she settled into the body she worked out the stiffness that set in. First flexing her fingers and toes then made her way up to the bigger joints.
Letting out a sigh of relief Kisa pushed open the box lid and climbed out of the box then made her way out of the truck.

Anyone who saw her climbing out of the truck would see a tall mocha colored woman with waist length blonde hair in a collection of small braids that was pulled back into one larger braid. She was wearing a long black trench with a demon logo on the back, black pants that kind of hugged her curves. Kisa was taller than normal in this body. She was about 5'8". This was the body that was closest to her natural body that she was currently locked out of.

She looked at one of the people that were sent to help them and saw them visibly shutter when he looked at her face. She shook it off as she knew her eyes were anything but normal.

As she caught up to Ellie, Kisa took her cat body and tucked it away in a pocket in her jacket.

"Thank you for caring for my cat-body, Ellie." Turning to Sorsha.
"I am Kisa, so have you figured out anything about this Goop body yet" she asked as her eye scanned the body and watched Ellie use her power to move it about and light it up

Having seen Ellie find a trail that leads away from the goop thing. "I think I will follow this for a bit. I will see if it leads out of this area and I will be in contact. Before I go I will need another light just in case I get too far for Ellie to light the way with her powers."

Kisa then flagged down one of the people that were sent to help to get a light that would help her follow the mysterious goo.
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Super heros 1960 - Page 2 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Thu Oct 13, 2022 11:16 am
Sorcha, Ellie, Kisa

Finn shifted uneasily but Jacob left slowly as he had a clear wariness with his buddy being left with a super. As Jacob left there was a nervious throat clearing from Finn. "Well ah.. I don't think it ment to attack since it went for my straps. Was the first to find it." Pushing his hands into his pockets he looked away. "Also it felt like getting hit with a wet blanket miss. Don't think it could of done no harm. And only started to swing when someone got a loop on it. Other wise it remind me of the porch cat I got. Harmless cause it runs. Besides not the first goopy thing around the city. But most of the time its just goop. Old Hyannis, mah cousin, at the farm been complaining about some life stock going missing but found a goop thing in an open stall where the old barn dog use to like to sleep. And unh well maybe wander down to talk to some of the gals around the factory lanes. They might have sumthin' to say." With mentioning the women his cheeks turned a rosy color. "One of them said sumthin.. funny." He drifted off as the others came up and seemed unsure now as he was surrounded by women. Women with super ablities and it looked like his top was about to boil over as he caught how the pair of them was dressed. He politely averted his eyes from Ellie and Kisa before looked up as to not keep staring as his foot started to bounce anxiously with the others about. He mumbled something about never mind as they seem to already be working with the gals.

When the light started he took a half step back as he looked towards the trucks, the warehouse, and the women.. So he started trying to figure out how to help with the monster before backing off as the women just sort of cut him out if it, so he awkwardly stammered about to be careful with it as he seached to find footing in what to do before quieting down and just being unsure of what else to do since he hasn't been released from assisting.

Kisa was handed a flashlight to look about by one of the drivers who was low key unnerved by her.

At a distance a few of the workmen were gawking before there were some cat calls, wolf whistles and a few requests of if the new girls were free later. As Kisa passed by a man he slapped her ass and gave a firm squeeze. "I get off work in 2 hours."

The gelatinous creature seemed mostly still besides the barest pulsing about the body should be.


Someone eventually was retrieved as the guy was pushed towards Petyr as the translator. He was clearly nervous and looked like whoever retrieved him interrupted whatever he was doing to get him before Petyr. Pushing the thick glasses back into place his eyes never seemed to fully open as he tried to smile in his confusion. Some of the others spoke to him slower then normal to explain the situation. When the bracelets are described he perks up. "Ah yes. Mrs Huang lost daughter but no reports were made. Police did not care to find Xialaung, say she runaway. Because she not white or money. " To make the points he used his hands in sharp motions. "Very common reaponce to violance done to immigrants and not white." He clarified as Petyr’s eyes looked towards him and just gave a shrug in defeat as this is a common problem. "but I can translate if we found chinese child and still alive."

((When ever you are ready release the potatos))
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Super heros 1960 - Page 2 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Thu Oct 13, 2022 5:28 pm
Sorcha made sure to let Finn tell her at his own pace, giving proper encouraging nodes and sounds when needed. Though from what she was learning it concerned her that these odd happenings were more common than what she first thought. What also made her concerned was the fact it seemed like this was going on for a while, but the information was not passed on to the people who could help them. When she had learned about police and what they did, she was quick to figure out the similarities to what she and her siblings had done back home to what police did for their respective towns and cities. But if this had been going on it seemed they were far less capable, or maybe less trusted by their communities they server.
It was a lot to think of as she kept listening to Finn as Raum lead the other supers to where she was. She didn't turn to face them right away btu as they cut in, she took a silent breath before turning to face them. She could feel the flustered energy Finn gave off as he tried to find a respectful place to look but it was clear their appeached and figure out how to be helpful. She couldn't blame him, their appeached was very startling, she had an idea of how they were dressed but even when already knowing it was still surprising though it didn't show on her face. Though she knew she wasn't going to get more out of him once the light appeared and he became uneasy as well as flustered.
I thought I would be working with supers, not painted woman. Or painted woman and something else., Sorcha thought to herself as she took in the odd eyes Kisa.
As Finn fidgeted Sorcha placed and gentle hand on his shoulder and gave him a comforting smile before waving over a solider that came with the group caring the box.
"This is Finn, he has some information Petyr will want add for this case.", she said to the solider before turning to look at Finn, "Please share with him what you shared with me and any other thing you may think of.", she said with a smile as she bowed her head in thanks and goodbye.
She heard the walkie-talkie crackle and held a hand up to silently ask Ellie and Kisa to wait as she pulled it out to hear what Pyter asked.
"Borscht here. Net, it seems... Dead. Also not only thing like it, one worker says seen other thing like already.", Sorcha said as the body was settled into the box.
"Odd pulse but net sure if it normal for this body.", Sorcha said before putting away the hand radio and walking over to the new supers.
"Dobryy vecher. I Sorcha from Australian branch.", she said after the others introduced themselves. She turned to answer Kisa though she didn't have much of an answer but before she could Kisa seemed to focus on the slime trail and was off to follow it.
"Impatient prostitutka.", she muttered as she watched Kisa take the torch and head off as she followed the trail. Shaking her head she directed the crow that lead them to her, to follow after Kisa before turning to face Ellie.
"Ah Argo, da. I aware he off track'ng, figure he your group tracker.", Sorcha said as she could see that Kutkh was still following him.
"So far it seems like whatever this was, was not hostile but hiding. It took damage as the workers tried to catch, but also seems like other things like it have been seen around.", she told Ellie catching the other woman up on what she had learned.
"It hid in wearhouse, but not sure how it got th-", Sorch began before cutting off mid sentence as her eyes went wide and the fully black one pulsed with an odd light.
"Behind you!", she called out as she reached a handout to something that wasn't there. Through Yatagarasu eyes she saw as the vehicle crept up behind her teammates and slammed into them. A look of anger spread across her face before shock replaced it as she saw Mutt being subdued. IN the year she had known Mutt she had yet to see anything really pose a credible threat to him, but whoever these people were had some sort of weapon that made it very hard for the shapeshifting Mutt to recover. She felt the heat from the berry as she gritted her teeth, nearly splitting it but it helped bring her back to where she was physically. Slowly she came back to herself the calm neutral exasperation coming back as she focused on Ellie fully again. The sound of her walkie-talkie crackled as Sigrids message played before she went dark.
"My teammates have been attacked, ambushed. They knew what they do, they have some weapon that took down Mutt.", she said calmly but an edge entered her voice as kept from being completely calm. Mentally she was already directing her crows that weren't actively following someone, save Saint who was still poking around the rafters in the warehouse, to follow the people who had her teammates.
"First, what your abilities? Second what her abilities? Third get your teammate back here, we move in five.", Sorcha said hooking a thumb over her shoulder in the direction Kisa went as she pulled out hand radio.
"Big Bad, prepare for hunt. Will inform when I have location an complete scouting.", she said as she waited for the other two to regroup with her as her crows' sent images so she could set up the path they would need to take. Taking portals would be faster than driving but it would slower than if she was able to move on her own fully. But it was apparent someone was aware of the supers, and she didn't want to leave these girls behind only for them to possibly be ambushed as well. Still if they took too long, she was fine with just opening portals under them and dragging them along with her. They were trained hero's, she was sure a portal opening under them wouldn't be overly surprising to them. Right?
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Super heros 1960 - Page 2 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Fri Oct 14, 2022 11:21 am
Ellie waited when indicated and noting the unease of the man pulled her coat about her tighter and buttoned it up as she breathed out as at least this guy was trying to be decent. However she heard the cat calls and wolf whistles as she tried hard to put it out of her mind as there was a growing set of situations going on that all seemed to be happening at once. And with the puppet girl bouncing off she pinched the bridge of her nose before forcing a strained smile. Pulling out her smart phone she started to type down all the information that was being shared. "Yes he is our group traker, more skill and experiance then myself and..." she looked towards Kisa and couldn't help but to purse her lips about how she seemed with the organization members.
And she continues to listen before snapping about her self to behind you as a light staff formed and she dropped into a instant leg sweep with her leg and jabbed up to shove the attacker back it to find nothing. Looking back she noted the distinct color difference of the eye that went all black vs the mostly blue as she was unsure of how dangerious it would be to touch the other to snap her out. But she seemed to pull out on Her own and Ellie breathed out as this person was able to keep a cool head.
"I do light manipulation, and able to phase.. er become insubstantial and fly. However anything not specially made I can't take with me. I can also harden light to make weapons shields or platforms and trained for hand to hand. Kisa... can possess people and objects. I belive she is limited to humanoid shapes and no fear of death. I will hear what you can do after I get her and take pictures." Not waiting for more with the time limit, she moved to get Kisa as she can move and tagged Kisa's shoulders. "The big dog is in trouble we need to support the team. The invistagtion has been more or less completed and the men can finish." Jerking her head back to Sorsha, she indicated to group up with her. Swiftly snapping pictures of the basic area for big bad wolf so she can easily show him the wearhouse area she returned without investigating further as it would take too much time. Putting the phone back in her back pack she trotted back.

Handing the bag off to one of the guys she asked them to take it back to the base so people can look over what they had that Mutt didn't steal from them. The drawings and to be careful with the phone as it has notes, photographs, information on it so she can easily share with everyone once they got back to base. Swiftly thanking them, she came back and kept the coat even tho it would be the first thing that would get damaged in a fight or her infiltrating. Gathering up with Sorsha and Kisa she kept the coat about her and started to unbutton the front as it was constricting to fight in. "So you can keep track of people and what else?"
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Super heros 1960 - Page 2 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Fri Oct 14, 2022 3:39 pm
Petyr nodded at the affirmative from the translator as he sipped directly from the pot of coffee that was given to him. Thomas, his newly-appointed aide, sipped from a cup that looked as if it had been liberated from a Most Repaired Ceramics competition: the handle had snapped off at one point and had been superglued back on, the side had cracked and been repaired with what looked like ceramic cement, and whatever jolly legend had been inscribed upon it was long gone. Thomas handled it with care, uncertain if scalding caffeine would tumble over him if he was anything less than gentle.

Petyr muttered, "White, white, white, always about how white something or someone is,"
Petyr's irritated mutterings made some in the room look a little uncomfortable, especially those around the translator, who appeared not to notice. "It's uh," Thomas said tentatively, "something we're still working on."
Petyr snorted, and addressed the translator directly, "I'm glad you could be here, your expertise will be invaluable. Now, if someone could get Mrs. Huang," Petyr's translation power repeated the unfamiliar syllables with the man's own inflection, "we can-" Sorcha's urgent call ripped through his words and dug into his train of thought like a backhoe through a water main. Any Australian crew went silent at the report of Mutt going down. Petyr himself had seen Mutt take a blow from Hans, who can put his hand through solid steel, and walk away, and now someone has taken him down, kidnapped him, and by the sounds of it, Sigrid too.

Petyr felt a fire grow inside.

Petyr pressed the button for the radio so firmly the makeshift desk creaked a little, "Big Bad Wolf copies, and is moving out. Keep me up to date as to the attackers' position, numbers, whatever you can give me. Over."
Petyr stood, and turned to the translator, "My apologies, the situation has changed. I need you to stay here to translate whenever our guest comes in. If my guess is right, we may have found the young Huang, and they may be able to communicate. If that's the case, well, they've probably been through some terrible things, and will need someone to calm them down, at the very least." Petyr waved off questions and turned sharply to Thomas, "Thomas, I need a radio, and a motorcycle fueled up and outside in ten minutes, can you do that?" Thomas gave a slightly shaky affirmative and practically ran off. He pointed to someone else as the Thomas scrambled off, "I need a large, quiet, empty space with a concrete floor."

It took a couple of minutes, but Petyr was finally led to a concrete lot outside. It wasn't snowing, but the briskness of the air tasted of nostalgia, even in this alien world. Unfortunately, it also tasted of oil, gasoline, and the various industrial indulgences that humanity was so fond of. Still, it reminded him of his childhood, of times more dangerous, less certain, and full of loss. Not too far in the distance to the south, he could see the city, which glittered like a monument to civilization, still unusually uniform to his Gaian eyes.
He shook the thoughts off, and, with a gesture, cleared the lot of any loose debris. He was aware that some curious onlookers had gathered, attempting to appear busy, but Petyr had no time for them. He focused, and felt the crabby, irritable sensation of the Cave Mother leave him. She would be cross about it, and bargaining with her would be a headache later, but she was mostly forgiving about this kind of thing.
Then, he touched the ground, and a circle flowed out from his fingertip like ink into a pool of water, followed shortly by a swirling, chaotic design that stained the pavement with its eerie power. With some thought, Petyr pulled out a mirror, full-length for most, but just about a hand-mirror for Petyr, set it in the center, and then set about staring at it. It must have looked mad from the outside, but it was essential; to reach out to that which is formless, he had to empty his sense of self.

It's said that Kogari, the Formless, had once been an easygoing sort. He (or she) had been charming, intelligent, clever, but lacking in confidence. They would go out of their way to change themselves to suit those around them, to make themselves fit in with whoever they wanted. This garnered them a lot of friends and acquaintances, but what is one to do when so many people with so many different expectations all gather around them? They cannot possibly be what everyone wants at once, but still Kogari tried, flipping endlessly between persona and persona, changing from personality to personality, altering even their appearance to please those around them, until one day no one could remember what they looked like, and neither could Kogari, and soon, Kogari themselves vanished, the very thought of them lost in the white noise of expectations and desires, their very self dissipating like clouds before a breeze.

Petyr stared at himself in the mirror, stared and stared until he felt himself blur. His surroundings, the curious onlookers, the breeze, the sky, the pavement, the floodlights around the base, they all seemed to become hazy, like a fading dream. And as everything, slowly, gently blurred into one amorphous scene, the only thing left was his eyes, which shone sharply in the mirror, which were clearly no longer his own. Slit-pupiled, golden, and faintly glowing, they stabbed out from the mirror like reaching, lonely claws. A voice like his, but not, answered him, and they began to bargain. The Formless One was a tricky thing, they always wanted to please, but they craved contact with others. Still, Petyr was wise to their wiles, and soothed them into an agreement for a day of power. As everything slid back into focus, the circle blurred, and was gone.

Petyr collected his mirror, and tossed it back into his extradimensional storage carelessly. Then he inhaled deeply, and his form blurred. The great, hulking, lupine shape of his body became vague, and slowly the core of it became smaller and smaller, accompanied by a distinctly fabric-related sound. Then, as the blurring faded, all that was left was a tall blonde man snapping some snaps shut on his long, but not too oversized coat. He stood almost seven foot tall, and rippled with muscle where it could be seen.
Petyr made a note to again thank Sigrid for her ingenious sewing. Not only could his clothes shrink with him (with some stuffing of excess into pockets and some clever uses of snaps and elastic), but they fit just about any anthropoid form he chose. The kilt was a little bit of a problem, it hung down to his ankles almost, but he adjusted the excess, and tightened his belt, and he looked a little rumpled, but passable.

Thomas, who had brought up the bike halfway through, was still agape. He stood like a particularly amusing lawn ornament on the edge of the concrete lot until Petyr approached. Petyr gave him a smile and nodded, "Thanks Tom," his higher, but still deep voice said warmly, before he sat on the motorcycle and checked it out. It was kind of bare-bones for his liking, but it had an integrated radio on the back, and that's really all he could ask for. Petyr picked up the handset and clicked it on, "Big Bad Wolf moving out, over. Let me know where to huff and puff when you know, over."

With that nonsensical phrase, Petyr climbed aboard and turned to Thomas Williamson again, who looked like he was in a bit of a daze, "Tom," Petyr said firmly, "I need you to keep me updated on the whole translation thing. Once our guest arrives, if you or our translator can get anything out of them, let me know." At Agent Williamson's nod, Petyr gave his best human grin, and, flying in the face of all safety regulations, drove off without his helmet into the darkness, towards the deceptive, twinkling beauty of the city before him.
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Super heros 1960 - Page 2 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Fri Oct 14, 2022 7:28 pm
Mutt was panicking in his still state. Even as the truck rumbles along as he could feel the boots of the people that loaded him up bump against him and the chains shifting across his short fur. The chill was settling uncomfortably on him as his fat layer was keeping him warm but he was highly aware of the cool air chilling the top of his skin. Huffing as it seemed like his lungs were still unaffected he let out snorting huffs to breathe in the attackers' scents as well as the changes in his environment. Saving each and every scent of the people he saved it in his fear to avoid these people or to attack them first. Musky, chemicals, and oil were the clearest overpowering scents he picked up. Smaller gentle scents were found as he fixated on those in his panic to learn more about his attackers mainly to know who was bad.
Ears could barely twitch about to direct his hearing elsewhere as he heard the men talking. But they were talking in a language he did not know as the roar of the engine was drowning out most other noises but he heard Sigrid below him. He couldn't make out her word but for a brief window, he heard her.
Sharp pain lightly stung him on the side and fear of them taking parts of him spiked as they drew blood. A single tone escaped him as his limbs twitched in small ripples as a part of him was stolen. Distressed he could not stop it he kept up the long tone as he breathed out.

As the vehicle stopped, he struggled for more movement as the door snapped open and he felt the chains shifting about him before a racket of noise approached and something slid under him. Pain rippled up his side as it scraped his side before whatever cold metal monster lifted him off the truck bed. Helpless he could only observe where his head hung as he eyes about to take in people and it seemed busy and light filled the interior of a building. Metal stands of some kind were being held up as he let his drool freely flow as he was stressing out. A steady stream dripped from his maw as the forklift moved him to a tank of some kind. As they hauled him off the fork lift the chains dug into him as he let out snuffling whining huffs before flowing into a tank of water. Fear dug in as he breathed in water and he couldn't form gills, so he turned his attention internally to try to change. Hopelessly he breathed in more and only got his body to ripple and claws to curve slightly. As more of the clear goop filled the tank and went over him he continues to breathe rapidly before settling down in confusion as his body stopped fighting the need for air. His chest rose and fell as thick water pushed in and out of his lungs as he found he could breathe this strange liquid in.

Making out movements as all sounds dulled as the water passed over his head he watched them blurring and move about as they slid a top into place. Slowly he could feel a hint of control returning to his body as he started to move slowly to right himself. Nothing felt right as he forced himself to sit up and it felt like he was in a fog as he stared after the movements. Trying to push out the weird liquid was impossible as he still could not alter his cells to adapt to what was going on. But he didn't hold himself up for long as he lowered his head in the strange liquid and continued breathing it in with more difficulty than just breathing in air. Still, he couldn't quite move his back legs as the damage still has not healed as the mall small shots of liquid started to leave his body as small streams of chemicals.

Slowly after some time, he pulled himself forward to push against the glass a paw at it to start digging. But his movements were so slow as it took a few seconds for the paw to slide down the another few seconds to lift up. He himself felt as his body was starting to tingle and prickly with small needles as he continued his slow pawing. Baring his teeth at the blurry movement outside of the strange liquid he read up hitting the top of his tank before sinking down as he started his exploration upwards. Twisting his body about so his lower damaged legs would still support him, he used the walls to drag himself up as the pads of his claws gave enough friction for him to hold himself there. Pushing up on the top just made him slide back as his leg positioning slid out from under him. Laying there after a few agonizingly slow attempts, he started to work his mind as his body failed him but he could still think. He needed to explore the box and the outside world. Grumbling to himself he rolled to a side and pressed his head up against it as discomfort settled as he set his eye against the glass. Peering out and no longer having to deal with the strange murky substance, his eye roved about as he rested against the side. Eyesight was his best bet at this time for getting an idea of what is going on outside. Giving the impression he gave up he took up a resting position of a sleeping dog back on base and took in information as his panic was fading to pure confusion and loneliness with a new feeling that he did not like. It was like fear he felt as his body stopped moving, it felt like someone was pulling his heart down and then tightening their fingers on his organs as he dropped his ears. He wanted out and he didn't know who these people were but they were more terrifying than explosions and fire. But anger was mixing in as he watched the strange people and surroundings outside.
But movement up above got his attention as he caught a glimpse of Sigrid in the metal rafters out of the light fixtures below her. He landed in sound that would be heard outside the glass from what he had seen people do at the doors at base. Starting to tap in rhythm the first song he could recall he started to tap out the beat to "Hound Dog". It stopped as it got to the fast parts as he shifted so both paws could tap as he started putting his energy into just his claws and all his focus. He recalled the mantis shrimp but he needed time to recover from whatever they did to him. To signal to Sigrid to the best of his ability he saw her he tapped out music rhythms. Soon he noticed some of the people were watching him he reached back into his mind to when he played prey for his soldier buddies to draw enemy forces in. Kept up the music he heard on the radio when hanging around men about the base.
However, his mood darkened as he considered they may not release him from his predicament and maybe he put Sigrid in danger of getting caught he would have to be friendly like Petyr and uphold this behavior for a long time and keep emotional responses down. He could do that. The others could do it even if reared of the chemicals he placed as stress tags. So he should be able to just a little more thinking than just reacting as he normally does.

Maybe a mantis shrimp is not a good idea with his whole body feeling as slow as it is. He will have to think of something else then. Seeing the movement coming up to the tank he saw them waggle their finger side to side after tapping the glass before his body tensed up as the muscles constricted and pain tingled through him before it stopped. Pushing away from the tank wall he did not like that feeling as he wasn't sure what happened but he felt like something caused his muscles to constrict against his will. But the event pushed out more of the pellets in his body as he could feel his body starting to flex to close over the wounds. Slowly he got his back legs to settle under him as he settled in the center of the tank where he could only see the moving silhouettes through the odd liquid. Maybe the Mantis shrimp is a good idea for breaking out. He did not like whatever happened. Settling against the back wall he pushed his face against the glass wall to go back to watching the world outside as he looked for where he would be able to go to recover and be difficult to be moved or damaged by those strange weapons.
Zincks (Admin)
Zincks (Admin)
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Super heros 1960 - Page 2 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Fri Oct 14, 2022 10:45 pm
Sigrid snapped cloth to the undercarriage to hold her as she kept quiet after alerting the others. Listening intently she could make out french as she held herself in place. Grimacing she used the cloth to tie the radio in place under the truck as she realized she needed to lighten her load. at every stop, she peeked to the side to see if she was still on the road or not before tucking her head as close as she dared to the pipes to keep rocks from hitting her face. Breathing slowly she tried not to breathe in too much as the dirt and rocks were kicked up and the cloth was only helping so much. After some time the road rumbled off as she saw a moment of cement so she reached to the radio and clicked the handheld mic 3 times before releasing it as she withdrew the cloth about it and held it to her chest as it was slowing down in some sort of lot. shutting her eyes she snapped out cloth before they got to the light and hooked it about a pole and used the darkness to cover her getting away. as it tightened the other strips of cloth released as she reeled herself out of the fencing. Rolling to her legs she let herself slide before opening her eyes to snap cloth up so she can climb up the wall to see what is going on. Watching the truck she saw what Wearhouse they took Mruff into. "They just took Mruff into a brick building with a green door and a D. I am going in, I see a small broken window I can fit through. Leaving a Royal marker on a post." She said as she has some cloth weave itself around a street post. Before breaking it off she recolored it to purple and with yellow edging. Turning the radio off she secured all the wires and got to clambering up the wall to the window keeping to the darkness. Slipping through the window she used her limbs and slipped over the glass relying on her cloth to protect her as she roped up to the metal beams and snapped up to the dark shadows thankful most eyes are turned onto Mutt.

Breathing out she wrapped her joints up in socks and protective gloves to muffle her movements on the metal as she looked over what was going on. She knew Sorcha has a bird with her and Mruff as tracking and swift information. Down below she covered her mouth as she watched them filling some sort of tank with what looked like Murky liquid over Mruff. And covering him as he lay there. She was very unsure if Mruff was still alive when they closed the top, she will check back as there were other things going on with this place and see where those liquid pipes lead to see if she can get an insight of what Mruff was now in. Biting her lip she pulled her eyes away to the other tanks as she examined what was going on with them. Carefully she stepped along the beams to look into the other areas. There were other tanks with some other creatures she could see something smaller then Mruff pacing about that she could only describe as a mangled wolf thing. Keeping a move on she looked at the next sort of room and there was some sort of chair set up as she tried to make heads or tails over what she was looking at. It looked human from the shape of the chair but whatever was in the chair wasn't human. Not in the features as her eyes were drawn to the toy on the lap of the thing.

Moving back to Mruff she was concerned about him till she saw that he was starting to move. Perking up as she breathed out a sigh of relief she watched him push up against the tank wall as she got closer. Things were still not right but she was relieved to see he was still moving even if it was sluggishly. But he was looking out as she was pretty sure he saw her as he started to tap on the tank walls in a rhythmic manner. Catching the noise it was a song that she has caught him listening to on the radio with the men on base that tolerate him. Breathing out relief she is happy he is still alive and seemingly in a mood of thinking. But then one of the men approached to tap back at Mruff and shook his finger back and forth. Following a thick wire back she saw someone on a panel turning up something and she can see Mruff's body stiffen as he retreated from the side of his tank to settle elsewhere but no longer tapping. But even from here, she smelt ozone.
Whispering to the crow nearby she said softly, "I think they are using electricity to hurt him. Maybe chemicals. And he isn't changing yet. Whoever these people are they know a lot about stopping Mruff. And they all speak french. Can you get a closer look? I am going to see if I can start removing people from the equation. And collect files."
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Super heros 1960 - Page 2 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Thu Oct 20, 2022 2:50 pm
(A little before and after Mutt and Sigrid were taken)

Kisa thanked the driver that gave her a flash light and started back to the other 2 when she felt hands on her butt and some dude she didn't know or care about said something about getting off work in 2 hours. As he was pulling his hand away Kisa grabbed his wrist and squeezed it enough that he was definitely feeling pain then in quick and practiced motions she got his arm behind him and forced him to the ground with her knee in his back. Kisa looked him dead in the eye "You are not my Type I prefer something a bit softer and not as gross as you. Besides, I don't think you can handle me and my availability."

Making sure he would keep his hands to himself Kisa used just a tad bit of the power this body possessed and made him feel a tad weak and shaky as she used the drain life force ability.

Her Black eyes didn't leave him as she remained him. He should respect others no matter the gender. Otherwise she will have to have another little chat with him. As she stood up she gave him one last look making sure he could see her demon-like eyes as she finally walked away.

"I am sorry that the rest of you had to see that, but I am not to be touched and neither is anyone that says not to touch them. Let this be a learning experience. Next time I will not be as nice."

As she joined Sorsha and Ellie Kisa mumbled under her breath "'I could always use extra bodies to help me blend in places i should add them to the short list if they can't keep their hands to themselves '"

Turning to Sorcha after she told them they needed to find the girl and the dog she saw earlier,
"So where are we headed now, since we haven't seen the dog and girl since they took off, do we even have a location?"
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Super heros 1960 - Page 2 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Sat Oct 22, 2022 9:09 am

As Argo stalked the streets following the drag prints he saw they went west then south then east as if what ever it was did not know where to go. At some point the tracks were lost  at a road as what ever it was climbed into a vehicle of some kind. A familiar ‘voice’ with the smell of burning earthy musk hovered towards him as there was a drawling voice in the back of his head, “Hey Argo. My favorate human. Sorry about dropping in like this but ooh we may have to give you a boost. Woord got to us that an egg hatched. Weird messaging too. We are a bit worried since we dont recognize the transmission sender.” Turning about Charlie was standing there as he was smoking a joint as the embers lit up his silver suit and large blubious eyes as he blinked passively. “Also the egg heads said the larva is hungry and with out supervision likely to be a little hungry.” Swinging away from the light post he flicked in and out of sight as the cybernetic eye focused on him. Offering a puff he held out the joint. “Sorry if im interrupting anything. We can drop you off anywhere you want after this.” He says after there is some commotion of activity from the radio. 
    Smirking he lifted a hand and swirled it to indicate to beam them up. First was the low unsettling hum before the flash of light engulfed them.. The ripple through the body was always unsettling as it felt like pressure pushed in on you and tried to pull you apart in a discomforting manner as if your molecules were flowing around other molecules making one feel like they are being squeezed out of a caulking tube. 

There was very little fanfare as Charlie patted the table that had a light down on it. "Strip your shirt off its just a spinal addition for reflexes. If you are going to be triggering it shortly after we drop you off. Just 3 times till you feel your level. You might pass out like a full night of drinking." Holding up three slender fingers he made sure he was understood. Curling two fingers down as the cool air of the ship started to flood in as the chilly finger touched Argo's forehead to remove any pain he might feel in the procedure. "Going to keep you awake since your buddies seem like they need you clear headed. And give you the good stuff for quick repair. So up on the table dude, got to get this done fast." Once Argo got on the table all he could feel is the pressure as the cutting started and the tugging on his back started but as before no pain could be felt. Pooling blood was not much as they were skilled and the strange lights above kept the blood strangely flowing. Something is pushed and moved about before they use the blue light to close up the wound over most of what they added to his back. 

"You should be good to go my friend. It will change to your conditional state of living when you have to." Along his spine there is just the thin trace of light along his back as they start wiping off any excess blood that came out.they handed back his coat and shirt. "Egg heads should be happy about this but between you and me, watch out for the hatchling. If the mad scientist did hatch one they do imprint strongly on who is about and you might have to cut its life short. I hear they taste pretty good if you cut it down." Pulling down a container the grey man snorts and hands it over, "They will want its reproductive eggs or what has developed if there is anything."

Once they verify where to drop Argo off the light flashes just outside the brick warehouse, down the way under a light post as the light flickers. "Right well you are on your own. You know, can't be involved with the human politics and laws. Things get messy." Only the cybernetic eye picks up Charlie as he pulls out a new joint, "See you about man. And don't get yourself killed."

Outside not much is exciting and the road is rather empty from the later hours. Inside the building lights are on as they show all under their bulbs. One of the windows loomed as if something punched out from the remains of the glass outside. Otherwise there was not much to distinguish this building from the others besides the strip of purple cloth with yellow edging and the big painted letter D. As he looked up he could make out movements as his eye highlighted and showed the Sigrid, the girl who got taken out the window by the thing called Mutt. It appeared she was stealthily moving along metal beams looking down at what is in the distillery warehouse. 

Mutt and Sigrid.

The man that shocked Mutt was watching him as he was dictating information to an assistant as he observed Mutt and his healing. Inside the fluid it was slowly pulling out the chemicals that could still Mutt and bleeding into the liquid about him. If Mutt made any rapid movements their was a hand gesture and the shock went through the semi opaque fluid. The vials that were filled  with samples from him were shown and there was talks before beyond the glass they carried in a sleeping child. From deeper into the warehouse.  It was one of the more recent children from the files but not the one they were called in for. Setting the child on the table they slumbers deeply as the men went to work. Setting up the IV they kept in the child as they move him they started to strap him down. Taking some of Mutts blood, they injected it into the fluid bag , letting the red liquid disperse into the foggy orange iv liquid. 

As this happened the thin lab coated man watched Mutt as the man gauged his reaction. Above Sigrid could make out some French words such as 'changes', 'child', 'looks more animalistic', 'samples',  'move it down", "girl with". When girl was mentioned the other turned about to ask rapidly why they didn't capture her and the man who shot up Mutt fumbled over his words trying to explain to the now irate scientist man. He pointed out towards the door making demands to round up the girl.

The door the child was brought from had a hand device by the side of the door with a keypad but the wall and door looked to be reinforced when the door was open  but dolled up to fit into the surrounding environment. From her pacing she could only make out the pack outlandish canines, the strange slime creature, and at least 15 armed men, and at least 5 scientist or doctor types. Most of the facility seemed to be distilling tanks that have modified piping for swift use for the three tanks that are in the place with a pipe continuing further down.

Not much in paper work seemed to be about besides what is on the bolted down desk near each of the three tanks in the well lit areas.



    The crow with Sigrid as it got a look around as the tanks barely took up half the room as most of the place was dominated with the massive cylindrical distillery tanks that were held up by strong iron beams that arched and were solid in their construction. There appeared to be 10 lined up by 5 by 2, reaching up half way up the building as the stainless steel tubes brushed into the darkness above. The tanks were in make shift rooms as the walls looked to be far to thick to be normal but there is no tops to the sergragated areas as if there was no fear with the things climbing out. It was more to separate them from each other. 

    The Crow following Argo saw floating smoke start up near a lamppost and argo seemed to be interacting with something there before the light above them brightened in a flash and he was gone. 

Petyr was on his way as he had changed his form to human so he could get on his Bike and head out. 


The translator clarified the distinction as helpfully as he could, “White is short hand for European descent. Regional origins.” As things changed swiftly the translator nodded nervously and got out of the way to work with the men here and try to get his own work load out of the way. And with the news of Mutt going down the whole half of the  operation felt the chill as it was known nothing stop the hungry beast when he got into a mood of trouble. They all seen him just head in the freezer and arguing with kitchen staff or the other Heros in being a large lump if he didnt feel like moving. Except for Petyr who could lift him but at that point Mutt found some where to hide. And in training he was a monster that kept coming. Thankfully he never caused intentional harm as he treated it all like a game. 

Once his cycle was ready and the soldiers were working fast to try to track where the truck that took Mutt may of gone. However there was little information. Only as Petyr took off and was down in the City did they indicate where Sigrid may be calling from once she chimed back in.  There they started to direct Petyr to where it was through streets once they figured out where he was.

The guy cried out as he twisted with her hold the best he could in an attempt to take pressure off his wrist. "The fuck You crazy bitch!" He tried to pull back before stopping as his brow started to sweat from the pain. As she took a small portion from him he visually aged as his hair grayed, his skin sagged with years. As soon as his wrist was released he pulled back and swayed unsteady on his feet as sudden problems of aging settled in. At this any of the men who were watching swiftly burried into their own work.
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Super heros 1960 - Page 2 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Sat Oct 22, 2022 10:07 pm
Sorcha girted her teeth as she saw what happened with Kisa and the dock worker. Sigrid and herself had been out once for a fun time that led to bar fight, a great end to a good night in her opinion, but it was frowned on having supers fighting civilian. Sorcha wondered what verbal lashing the girl would get but when she saw the man visibly age, she uttered a curse as she was not going chewed out alongside her.
"You done harassing hapless villagers?", Sorcha asked as she buttoned her coat back up as one of the crows on her shoulder ruffled among its feathers and produced a charcoal pencil attached to a string.
"I have location, Yatagarasu follow and show me. Sauerkraut was not captured an infiltrate building.", Sorcha said kneeling down as she began sketching out the layout of the room. She drew out the location of tanks, tables, and current location of the people walking around in there.
"I will alert -", Sorcha began before Ellie saw similar look crossed Sorcha's face as Kutkh sent the image of Argo there then gone after a bright flash of light. Biting down she felt the blueberry in her mouth squish a little as the warm liquid oozed out, it helped her re focus. She knew where Mutt, Sigrid, and some of the children were. One thing at a time, save them first then find where Argo was taken.
"Other are being guided to location as well. I have eye on a child that taken.", she said as she scanned the room again with Yatagarasu eyes as she marked where the table was that they had placed the child on.
Standing up she spat out the small amount of juice onto the ground where it sizzled briefly. Dusting herself off she looked in the direction she knew they would need to go. Looking back at Ellie and Kisa and decided she need to bring them with her. Slipping between and she would be there in five minutes or less. But not knowing how many armed men were on site would be foolish for just her and Sigrid to deal with. Might be manageable if Mutt could be freed but she wasn't sure how quick he would be able to recover. No not worth putting the children at risk of being hurt or spirited away during the fight.
"You ask what I do, I best sight tracker and fastest scout. Keep up, fall behind left behind. Also, to slow an you will be disarmed. Roll when hit ground, easier on knees.", Sorcha said before a portal opened up under them and dropped the three of a roof several feet away. Rolling she popped back up to her feet before breaking into a run towards the other side where another portal appeared with a crow waiting on the other side of it. As she ran, she didn't look back to make sure they were keeping up with her, well she knew it was better to show up with them, she refused to slow if it meant the child could be harmed. It would take them about ten minutes using the portals and running across the rooftops.
Breathing in she directed Yatagarasu to begin drawing a circle after it pulled its own pencil and string free. Before it set about drawing it made sure Sigrid saw where it was drawing and then tucked its head under a wing indicating it would be a sound-based ritual. Hopping over to the opened tops, the began drawing as Sorcha began chanting. The tank walls were thick but even if the sound didn't shatter them, she hoped it would weaken it enough to make it easier for Mutt to break and disordinate the people who captured him.

In front of Petyr, the crow dipped to stay in his sight as it guided him in the direction of Mutt and Sigrid. It didn't stop for red lights; it was a concept Sorcha was still trying to remember when in larger towns and cities. Thoug it did slow and double back when ever Petyr lagged behind.
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Super heros 1960 - Page 2 Empty Re: Super heros 1960

Mon Oct 24, 2022 11:59 am
Ellie turned to follow Sorcha's  eyes and color was lost from her face as the other seemed fine with using her powers. Bitting the inside of her lip as frustration spiked with this whole situation if being in another world. She told this organization she would work with them as to get out of jail and get home.sucking in the complaints to shove them down. Breathing out as Sorcha got the others attention, Ellie covered her mouth to hide any indication of her own feelings with the demon creature coming back to them. No need for both if them to get snappy about the careless use of powers. But it did make her rethink accepting this deal. Turning away ever so slightly she could not help but to hear the fearfully busy work going on around them.

And her eyes only snapped back as Sorcha spoke of her powers and she hears instructions. There was a moment of brightness that flashed as she shifted her weight about and tilted forward ever so slightly just as the portal opened up under them. Tilting into a roll she tucked her head in and rolled using a shoulder as she still didn't land that quite right  as she never had to do it with a drop. Wincing as her shoulder twinged a bit, she started to run as she gathered all the information she can as she gone from busy dock to quiet roof top. Following Sorcha's lead and was fast to keep on her heels to go through the next portal. Slowing to take position next to the portal hero, she looked in as her eyes started to examin what she had to work for and breathed slowly as they had this place well lit. Taking in all she can she saw where the kid was and bit her lip as she became aware they were putting something in his IV tube. Focusing she used light to block the bag and crimping in the internal metal part from dripping anything new into the child as it should not be noticed right away with how bright it was.

Speaking to the other two in a soft voice, "I'm gonna  see  whats inside those doors and deal with some if the threats in there You should have this handled. Holler if you need me."

Starting to strip her coat off she shivered in the cold as the fall air nipped at her. As the cloth, and boots fell from her as she went insubstantial and floated down through the opening with little fear for the men under the  bright lights seeing her transparent form. The cold and any other sensations ended as she moved herself down to the beams and reformed careful not to alert the men. Her eyes fixated on the other figure in the rafters. Cold flooded back as the metal beams sucked the warmth from her skin where it touched. So she went on the move to keep her self ready as she was looking at the men below and making sure she could tag all she could track the rooms they are in. At least the ones they could easily get to. Since there was the heavy door that of it did open she had an idea how to stop the flow of new threats. Finding where the big creature she saw was laying about she frowned as she wondered if he was just a big dog creature and didn't have much to him. But as the noise of the reinforced door opening. Peering in she considered being on that side before loosing substance as she would keep the men over there busy while she scouted in there for the other kids they were looking for. Keeping high up she faded through the wall and kept to the darkness exploring behind the reinforced area.
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